Already fighting... LOL jk!
June 28- 7:26 pm Cam 1/2- Early on in the flirtmance, Nicole worrying about everything.
6/28 7:36 pm All- Nic performing the dance, Corey's face is too cute.
7/4/ 2:30 pm 1/2- Corey buzzed, the bet where Nicole loses $2500. By 2:35, she has lost already.
7/5 1:05 am 1/2- Nic asking why Corey doesn't sleep upstairs in the HOH room, Corey says, well I like hanging out down here with you.
7/5 9:33 pm 1/2- Corey asks if he can sit on the hammock with her. (Funny to hear him ask lol)
7/7 1:52 pm 1/2- Flirting in bathroom.
7/7 1:55 pm 1/2- Corey says "Maybe I want you to control me."
7/9 7:03 am 3/4- The girls see a ghost in London, Corey tells Nic to get into his bed.
7/9 7:15 am 3/4- Nic gets back in Corey's bed after talking to Meech. This is kind of where their snuggling started. The next night is the night they pulled an all-nighter in the bathroom with Zaulie because it was their first night as Have-Nots.
7/10 2:29 pm 1/2- Corey talking to Frank and Paul, tells him about the line he gave Nicole. "I want you to be my baby, I want to spoil you, and have a bunch of brats. Wanna make out?"
7/10 10:43 pm 1/2- The boys' dance for Zak's birthday.
That face you make when you can't help but like someone.....
The morning of 7/11 was the night they stayed up all night on the hammock. Lots of getting to know each other. (First date?) :) Big Brother called a lockdown on the backyard while Nicole and Corey were the only ones outside. They burst out laughing, it was a fun moment.
7/11 5:52 am 1/2- Corey mad at Nic for picking at scab, says "You have such a pretty face.."
This was also the night they slept in the bumper car together.
2 Ball!
7/11 8:28 pm 3/4- Zak does Nicole's make up, Corey comes in and watches. They ask what he thinks and he says she looks like Sandy from Grease after the makeover.
7/12 2:22 am 1/2- The conversation where they talk about how they would make cute babies. Corey calls her a good breeder.
7/13 3:22 pm- Super funny timestamp. Nicole, Corey, and Paulie are talking about Tiffany and she walks in. Nicole laughing is the best part.
7/14 11:08 am- Timestamping this because when Corey first got into the HOH bed for lockdown, they were kind of far apart and not touching. And for about 7 minutes, they kept inching closer until Corey started cuddling her, and it was like he had been waiting to snuggle her.
7/15 3:35 am 1/2- This was the morning that Tiffany lost her mind, haha. Timestamping this minute in particular because this is when Corey was in HOH and found out this freak out was going on. He asked Michelle where Nicole was and said, I'm going to go check on her. And then the epic freak out. This was a major turning point for Nicorey because real feelings came out.
Ride or Die
7/16 2:20 am 1/2- Nicole and Z trying to plan a sleepover with Nicorey and Paulie. Nicole doesn't want to make Corey go upstairs if he doesn't want to, but of course he does. The 4 of them end up sleeping in the HOH bed.
This was probably their first major argument. Corey had just won the ice cream veto competition, Nicole was afraid that she was going to be the replacement nominee. She made some sort of comment and then the rest of the day was awkward between them because Nicole was afraid she hurt his feelings. Corey's feelings were ACTUALLY hurt because Frank told him about the F2 deal between Nicole and Frank. It doesn't take long before they make up.
"Spandex butts drive me nuts"
7/18 3:27 am 3/4- Nicole acting like a school girl about cuddling with Corey.
7/18 9:32 pm 3/4- Nicole tells Corey that James said he had a crush on Nicole but didn't want to step on Corey's toes. Corey says, "I'll back off then, let James do his thing." Awkward pauses.... Corey leaves and says he's going to make dinner. Nicole talks to herself in the mirror, wondering if Corey is mad or if he's just using her as strategy.
7/18 10:19 pm 1/2- Nic asks Corey if he's really going to back off. The conversation goes in circles for several minutes. A lot of dodging around the subject.
It didn't take long for them to make up.
7/19 12:34 am 1/2- Paulie says he's sure that their ship name is Nicorey. The debate continues....
7/19 3:29 am 1/2- Super steamy cuddling session
7/19 2:41 pm 3/4- Nicole tells Z that Corey told her he wanted to kiss her.
Definitely a favorite... The ear biting....
The conversation about Nicole's book about cuddling:
7/21 pm 2:29 am 3/4- Nicole asks when a light shuts off, Franks says "When everyone is in bed." Nicole and Corey start laughing because Frank heard her so well. Also... The tin cup and Tums still there.
July 22nd was the day we had no feeds and Vic came back in the house. Oh Vic.
7/23 12:58 am 3/4- Good old Vic told Nicole something about a girl Corey met right before coming in the house. This is when the two finally had a conversation about her. It's a little awkward, but it's cute how hard Corey tries to reassure her that there's nothing between them. Nic mentions that she doesn't care but Corey knows she must feel some type of way and he tells her it's okay for her to care. Corey gets pretty irritated towards Victor during all this.
Nicole asks if Corey wants to do something and he smiles and nods his head.
7/23 5:08 am 1/2- Time stamping because the two are being sassy and Nicole says something that made me laugh out loud. She impersonates Corey and says "I have somebody at home that is just" And Corey goes... "You gonna stop right there?"
7/24 6:06 am 1/2- Role reversal with Vic
7/25 7:24 am 1/2- Nicole says that she is normally nervous about people having their faces close to hers but she knows if he does it, it will just be a brush so she doesn’t get as nervous. “It’s kind of fun. I can get as close as I want.”
When it was revealed that there was a secret room, there was some tension between Nicorey because he didn't give her the answers to how to get in. They had a lot of squabbling on this day, but their make up was super cute.
7/25 11:20 pm 1/2- Nic gets emotional, Corey comforts her. Nic jokes about PMSing, Corey asks if they're having little Corey's.
7/26 4:49 pm 3/4- Vic's choke hold on Nicole. This comes into play later...
5:01 pm 3/4- Paul mentions that as soon as Corey leaves the room, Vic put his arms around Nicole but pretends to do a choke hold on her when he walks back in.
5:02pm- Corey makes fun of Vic taking his shirt off talking to Nicole about Jozea.
7:49 pm 1/2- Topic of Vic comes up, Corey makes the comment "Goes from hooking up to choking my girlfriend."
8:03 pm 1/2- Audio only- Nicole walks outside, talking to herself "He called me his girlfriend."
7/27 2:01 am 3/4- Nic girl-talking with Z and Meech and repeating the girlfriend comment.
7/28 1:08 am 3/4- (After not spending much time together that day) Corey- "I miss you"
7/29 11:16 am 3/4- After an argument they've had about Nicole asking him what he was whispering with Paul about, they hash out the argument. Corey says, "I would stay up 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for you."
Corey: "I love that face."
"You're the best."
The night Nic got tipsy..... Bahahah
7/31 5:30 pm Cam 1/2- "What more do you want?" "Those white shorts"
Oh the bumpers....
8/2 8:20 pm 3/4- Paulie- "I understand that Corey's a stud but get your head in the game." Hahahah. And she definitely did.
8/3 was the Halfway Party. They had a hard time keeping their hands to themselves this night haha
8/5 Nic doesn't want him to shave because.... SCRUFF... Calls him hot. Corey loved that she uses that word.
8/6- Night of Nic's panic attack.
Birth of NiPaul? :)
8:23 pm 1/2- "You just assume I'm looking for you. Looking for my baby. Just kidding I was just about to come look for you."
Corey hiding Paulie's Veto card after Hide and Go Veto
Love that she showed him up :)
Nic's nice quads. Girl does have nice legs.
12:04 am 1/2- Corey comes inside, immediately starts badgering Nicole. "Big ass bun girl" "Big ass dimple boy" Vic looks on with envy ;)
10:44 am 1/2- Nic asks if there's something fun to do, Corey says "I'm fun to do."
When he starts making fun of her being grumpy.. hahahah
8/11-High drama night (Paulie/Natalie/Meech blowup)
Double eviction... Corey wins HOH and Veto!Corey's HOH basket :)
Nic gets America's Care Package!
8/13- Lots of drama this day as it was the day after Corey and Paulie got nominated and the Zingbot Veto. One of the best things they did was lay low while Paulie was losing his mind. This was also the day Corey got his Patriotard!!
Coach Corey :)
I miss Paul's Secret Service detail.
2:42 am 3/4- Corey staring at the ceiling thinking, "Is this really what my life has come to?" ;) (This may be conjecture)
2:42 am 3/4- Corey staring at the ceiling thinking, "Is this really what my life has come to?" ;) (This may be conjecture)
Nic's face pretty much the entire week since Paulie camped out in Corey's bed.
8:28 pm 1/2- Nicole tells Corey she has a dream that they both were too stubborn to text each other when they got home, but she finally texted him. His reaction....
12:53 am 1/2- Nic-"Paulie says I take his spot, this has been my spot for 60 days." Corey- "This is our spot."
1:19:57 am 1/2- Corey sneaks a kiss in while she's talking.... Awwwww
6:22 pm 3/4- Nic comes out of the DR after goodbye messages and says it's the first time one has made her cry.
12:53 am 1/2- Nic-"Paulie says I take his spot, this has been my spot for 60 days." Corey- "This is our spot."
1:19:57 am 1/2- Corey sneaks a kiss in while she's talking.... Awwwww
6:22 pm 3/4- Nic comes out of the DR after goodbye messages and says it's the first time one has made her cry.
Arguably the best game move of the season, Nicole and Corey convinced Michelle and Nat to put up Paul and Victor instead of them. Nicorey handshake!!
12:12 am 3/4- Paul's confrontation with Nicole.
12:15am- Probably one of my favorite moments of the season. Paul is confronting Nicole and Corey comes out so excited to take off his Patriotard. Literally gives Nicole a striptease while she is yelling back and forth with Paul. Ya'll are buzzkills. Bahahahah
3:03 am 1/2- Studying, then Corey goes... Fun, fun, fun. Back to cuddling. Starts kissing her cheek. (The night of the weather reports and Corey didn't want to study at all. lol)
This was a pretty stressful day. Paul won veto, pulled himself off the block and Corey was put up as the replacement nomination.
11:38 pm 1/2- Nic yelling at Corey for neglecting the cute cookie
6:37 pm 1/2- Nic- "Stop being so tough"
1:39 am 3/4- Nic talking about the Pistons. PRETTY SURE this is the moment Corey fell in love with Nic. Every guys likes a girl who knows her sports.
1:53 am 3/4- SCENARIOS!! Nic goes out with Paul on a coffee date. Then she goes on a coffee date with Corey. Paul texts her on Friday wanting to go out. Nic tells him to meet up with her and her friends. Paul is coming on strong, Corey isn't but she likes Corey more. She goes to the bar with Paul and Corey shows up. Corey walks in and sees them, Nicole says she wouldn't go up to him but that she would wave hey if they made eye contact. Corey comes up, asks what she's doing, Nic says she's here with her girlfriends. Corey asks who Paul is. lol Nicole invites Corey to hang out with him. Corey walks up to a group of girls, Nicole says she thinks it would be rude. (Guys I'm laughing so hard typing this.) Nic says she would focus on Paul because he made the effort and Corey hasn't. Corey texts her the next morning and asks if she wants to hang out. Nic says she would go because now he's acting as if he's interested. She says she would hang out with him to decide whether or not she really likes him. They go out, have a great time, have so much fun, they go home alone. Corey texts her the next morning, saying hey I hope you had a good time, they text off and on during the week. Corey doesn't text her on Friday, but Paul does and asks if she wants to hang out. She says no. She goes out with friends, and Corey walks in. Nic says she would just say hey.
He says hi, but then says that him and his friends are leaving. The next morning, Corey texts her and says whats up? Nicole says... "I would ignore that text for at least 8 hours." Corey bursts out laughing with the cutest laugh we have heard all season. Seriously. If I knew how to sound bite it and share it here, I would. Nic says she wouldn't hang out with him that night, Corey says that now he thinks she's not interested. Then Nic says later in the week that if he asks her on a one on one date, she would go but not partying. Corey tells her that he texts her and tells her that he's not feeling well, he just wants to have a chill night and he's not going out. Nicole also stays home. She gets a text from her friend saying Corey is wasted with a bunch of girls. The next day Corey wakes up hung over, but he wants to go to dinner with Nicole. He asks her out, Nicole says "Are you serious??" Corey explained that he was not planning on going out but his friends convince him to. Nic says he could have texted her and let her know. Corey says "You're not my mom." Nicole says "I don't care... ITS OVER" Bahahaha Corey.. "Even though we're perfect." Nicole- "Over." But they do end up going out, Corey with her and her girlfriends. Corey asks if she brings up him going out, she says she probably would after she started drinking. haha. Corey says he went out because his friends wouldn't take no as an answer. He says he didn't let her know because he figured she was sleeping. She says now she's not mad anymore. lol. (I see you Corey Brooks. Working the charm. Seeing what you need to do to get out of trouble.)
2:45 am 3/4- Corey says he's surprised that she lets someone go so quickly and that if he likes someone, he fights to keep them. Nicole comes back and says that she will fight tooth and nail for someone that she is actually in a relationship with, but if it's just a guy that's messing around when they first start talking, she's not going to put up with the games because it's just a precursor for what's to come. Corey says, "Oh okay that makes sense." Nic says "I do not give up easy in a relationship. I'm a fighter." Corey- "You are fiery right now, I love it. Oh, Nicole, you're one of a kind. That's my favorite part about you." Nic- "What, that I'm fiery?" Corey- "Yeah that and how unique you are about things."
2:55 am 3/4- More scenarios. Corey says they have been dating for 1-2 years, but they're having rocky times. "We've been doing this long distance thing, and I'm not moving from Dallas, you coming here once every 2 months isn't cutting it for me." Nic..."I wouldn't mind moving but I would want to make sure it was legit, and that I'm not just doing it for fun." Nic says if she hadn't moved by then, maybe it wasn't meant to be. Corey says well I feel like you not wanting to make the move here is you not even giving us a chance. So you just want to break up and leave it at that? Nic says "I don't know what to say." Corey says, "Well if you're okay with losing your dream guy, okay I guess." Nic says, "If you really think that it's going to work and you're willing to put 100% into it, then I will move." Corey goes.. "Yesssssss"
12:56 pm 3/4- How are we going to communicate after the show? Corey-FaceTime. Nic-Handwritten letters.
1:27 pm 3/4- "How are those breadstix mother fu**er??"
This was the day Corey was up next to Victor and they were pretty worried about the possibility of Corey going home. So they basically decided to hang out as much as they could.
1:09 am 1/2- "I want to hang out with you so bad." "I was right next to you but I was trying to figure out how to hang out with you more."
Corey was so happy for Nicole. His face was so adorable while she was reading her letter.
Corey wins America's Care package!
12:58 pm 3/4- Corey- "I'll bribe you with the $5,000, we'll have some fun in Hawaii."
12:59 pm 3/4- Corey- "I'll bribe production to shut the cameras off for an hour." And then he does this..
11:18 pm 1/2- Nic- "Would you have showmanced anybody?" Corey- "No loser." Banter goes back and forth, Corey says he didn't want to get in one but, "I couldn't help myself."
Corey ended up being a Have Not for the week. They were very sad. :(
11:28 am 1/2- Paul talking about partying when he leaves the house, Corey goes "I'll be travelling to Ubly."
Yes Coco, we saw you.....
8:38 pm 1/2- "Nicole's an angel." "You don't meet many girls like her, that's for sure."
8:38 pm 1/2- "Nicole's an angel." "You don't meet many girls like her, that's for sure."
9:51 am 1/2- "I'm very fortunate to have found a best friend like Corey in this house, he's definitely kept me sane. Forever grateful. Someone that you can hang out with, count on, talk with, that you enjoy being around all the time. Literally been around each other 22 hours a day for 76 days and I'm not even a little bit sick of him. If we're gone from each other for like 5 minutes, we're looking to see where each other's at. It's very beneficial to have someone like that in this house cuz it gets hard. You can't be thinking game all the time, you need someone that you can talk to that feels like home to you." <3 <3 <3
2:00 pm 3/4- Corey- "Nicole, you know I think you are an angel. I legitimately think you're the sweetest girl on the planet."
1:56 am 3/4- Nic talking about doing catheter procedures. I'm sorry if you missed this one. It was a goodie.
12:25 pm 3/4- Nicole snapping pics of Corey, talking about how he's a model. "I'd mancrush this."
1:04 pm 3/4- Vic- "Describe Nicole" Corey- "Angel. Sweet, caring, selfless, very strong willed, big heart. She's kinda funny I guess. She's entertaining to look at and watch. I could watch that girl all day."
This was such a good day. They practically had heart bubbles floating around them.
The $150 shirt incident....
Corey decides to give Victor the $5000 bribe. No matter the outcome, this was a really awesome moment in the house.
9:03 pm 3/4- Paul- "I feel like you just proposed to us."
10:52 pm 3/4- Corey- "Do you like to fight?" Nic- "Once in a while, I'm not gonna lie." Corey- "Me too. Why?" Nic- "To see how much they care. Why do you like to fight?" Corey- "Cuz I like to make up."
3:33 am 3/4- Corey grabs Nicole's hand, then talks about their night. "Good food, some....friendship.... hung out with my friends, had some alcohol, good little cuddle sesh, late night munchies."
Corey wins Veto!!
Dream Team looking fly for the veto ceremony
7:04 pm 3/4- Nic wants to shave Corey's chest.
Corey's ice pack....
11:51 pm 1/2- The boys all agree Nic is their favorite girl on the show.
8:05 pm 3/4- Nic stares at Corey. And then tells him she can't stop staring. Corey- "Wanna make out?"
Corey wins HOH!!!!!
Corey talking about how they need to make a big game move and put up Paul and Vic.
12:14 am 1/2- Nic- "Who are you? Makin' me fall in love."
1:15 am 1/2- Corey- "I would never be able to live with myself if you or James went home on my HOH."
12:59 pm 1/2- After Vic makes her rub his back, Nic leaves the room talking to herself "I don't want to rub his back, I have a crush on Corey."
1:09 pm All- Corey poking fun about Vic asking Nic to rub his back
2:17 pm 3/4- Nic- "This is your best move to date." Corey- "Except for the move I put on you..."
8:30 pm All- All the boys scare Nicole
1:44 am 3/4- Corey- "I really want to go to final 3 with you. I'm just stressing over it." Nic- "We'll make it."</3
10:49 am 3/4- Nic makes Corey breakfast. Goes to wake him up, first thing he says... "I like your hair. Matches my comic." haha
10:06 pm 1/2- Nic- "I love Corey too."
10:11 pm 1- Corey out of the DR for a second, but going back in. Nic can tell he's been crying. :(10:21 pm 3/4- Corey out of DR, has a Kleenex. Nic gives him a hug before he goes to talk to Paul. Paul tells him he'll probably be leaving the house.
10:46 pm 3/4- Corey back from DR again, Corey says he was crying over the thought of leaving her. 10:57 pm 3/4- "Play hard Nicole." Coach Corey.
10:58 pm 3/4- "Pray about it."
1:14 am 1/2- Corey- "I'm going to cuddle the sh*t out of you."
1:56 am 1/2- Nic- How much are you going to miss me on a scale of 1-10. Corey- 12. Nic- Be realistic. Corey- 9......Point 5
You are amazing!!! This is such a great retrospective on the best showmance ever. Thanks so much for all your work. You are the best!!! #nicorey4evah #NicoreyStrong #NicoreyFam
ReplyDeletewow this is cool thanks!
ReplyDeleteAlso did you guys see nicoles mom also approves of nicorey she sent a sweet twitter message!
I did see that! Corey's mom and sister both liked my Twitter posts yesterday about NiCorey. I was so excited lol! I hope we find out that their moms have been talking! Did you guys see Corey's sis dressed up like Nicole on Twitter? Yellow sweater and glasses. So cute!
Deletewhere was her moms twitter message? i didn't see any posts about corey
DeleteI didn't see that. Where was it the message at?
Deletei saw it on twitter someone screen shotted
DeleteYeah that post was deleted because someone screenshotted a message that was posted in a private facebook group. It was taken down.
DeleteI saw that. I am so emotional today and it's odd bc it's worse for me today than last night. I am so thankful for this summary, helping me get thru the day. This was awesome!
ReplyDeleteThis is so awesome! I hope they both see this after they get out. It's like a scrapbook of their summer!
ReplyDeleteGreat recap! Thanks for this blog!
ReplyDeleteI love this recap of some of there cutest moments!!! I Do hope you post more of Nicole if you get a chance!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAmazing! I love this so much. Thanks for having this awesome blog. Hope Nicole can finish this amazing journey and experience with the win. Can't wait to see what happens on the outside with these two. I think no matter what they will have a special place in each of their hearts for one another.
ReplyDeletethis is amazing, thank you
ReplyDeleteThis. ❤️❤️❤️
ReplyDeletecorey definetily looks better with his hair now his short hair made him look weird anyone agree and that scruff definetly should be his look
ReplyDeleteThat was a truly beautiful collection of their journey this summer...I am sure they will treasure this as much as us fans do...Thank you for all of your efforts in giving us a place to come and root them on together...You rock!
ReplyDeleteSuch a cute post. Trip down memory lane. Thanks for all your hard work.
ReplyDeleteI think Corey got better and better looking as the season progressed.
DeleteYes, love the scruff. The 8/8 picture on the hammock, oh how it makes me swoon!
DeleteHe sure did!!!!!! I'll admit I didnt think he was that cute when the season began, but as it went on he kept on getting hotter and hotter
DeleteThis is such an amazing diary of their journey. I do hope that they will see this as its a tremendous pictorial of their love story.
ReplyDeleteYour work is perfect! Thank you for sharing it.
My heart is full of love after reviewing this. I pray they find that their hearts stay as connected as they grow and adjust outside the game. 💓💖💗❤️😘😍
Has everyone seen that there is a closed group Facebook page that was just created to follow their relationship moving forward. You can find it on Twitter.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the username
Delete#nicorey 4ever
DeleteFacebook says no such page.
DeleteI can add you in fb and then add you on the group if you want to give me your fb name
DeleteWhy did it say so such page? I put what you said.
DeleteProbably since it's a closed group. I joined from a link on twitter that was posted Wednesday
DeleteI made a nicorey video with some of my favorite moments since I'm dying without them on feeds ): Hope you guys enjoy!
DeleteGreat video, I miss their love banter.
DeleteGreat job, thank you so much.
DeleteThere is interview with Jeff and Corey 😀
ReplyDeleteThere is a good interview over at jokers...Short and sweet.
DeleteI cant find that. Can you put link?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteNot seeing anything on jokers Twitter
DeleteJokers Under updates in media section.
DeleteThoughts on Corey's interview?
ReplyDeleteI liked it... He was honest and I think he gave right answers... I liked that he is ready to fight it for her and called her My Girl... cant wait to see jury segment roundtable
DeleteI liked it... He was honest and I think he gave right answers... I liked that he is ready to fight it for her and called her My Girl... cant wait to see jury segment roundtable
DeleteGo read the one at jokers. Much better.
DeleteHe is much clearer about moving forward with Nicole. I think that was a phone one and not on camera. Sounded clearer.
DeleteWhere do you find that
DeleteI love when Jeff ask Corey about Vic making moves on Nicole. He got very passonite about it.Jeff kinda laugh.
DeleteI thought it was perfect! He does have a twinkle in his eye when he talks about her.
ReplyDeleteEven Jeff caught the twinkle.....Jeff read him well. He has been in the same shoes.
ReplyDeleteI think he will get a lot of good advice from Jeff off camera.
DeleteI loved the Jeff and Corey interview. I thought Corey was so energetic and fluid in all his answers. You can't expect him to say they are automatically dating exclusively, I think he gave us the right amount of hope that this continues while at the same time expressing that no matter what he cared for this girl during their time together and thinks she's awesome.
DeleteI was a little surprised at all the backhanded jabs/jokes Jeff was making about things Corey couldn't know we all saw, especially the Unbelieveable Harry Potter stuff. I think Jeff likes Corey, so I'm hoping his intention was to be laughing with him and not at him and that Corey got to see that end video to tie it together.
I think Jeff was laughing with him. Jeff said early on that Corey reminded him a lot of himself. I think he does mean well.
DeleteMaggieJ This is one fantastic tribute and a job very well done and the time involved putting this together....Nicole and Corey and both families will be very pleased with it I am sure.
ReplyDeleteAgree. I loved it!
DeleteDid yall see the HWR interview with Corey! My heart melted when he was asked what he loved more Christmas or Nicole.Here is his response.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you love more: Christmas or Nicole?
Nicole by a long shot. I love Christmas, but Nicole all day.
Where is that one???
DeleteOr has it uploaded as well
DeleteDid anyone just see Jeff's tweet about Corey not liking Vic all over Nic. It' s like 20 seconds but,seems like Jeff really get's it!
DeleteThis was from the BB snapchat. It love it!
DeleteJust now on the feeds, Paul had a convo with Nicole while James was in DR about how he is snowing James....then when Nicole got called into the DR, he talked to James going along with what he told Nicole he was he is telling Nicole the truth that he is taking her to final 2 and is completely snowing James!!! Its a beautiful thing!
ReplyDeleteI love the frienship that Paul has for nicole.
I am hesitant about his "true colors" for taking her to f2. I think it might be mind games.
I love their friendship too. I think he is sincere about saying he wants to take her because she deserves it, HOWEVER, I think deep down he assumes he will beat her and that's a big part of why he is taking her.
DeleteI love their friendship too. I think he is sincere about saying he wants to take her because she deserves it, HOWEVER, I think deep down he assumes he will beat her and that's a big part of why he is taking her.
DeleteThank you for posting this. I enjoyed reading it all and viewing the photos!
ReplyDeleteThis is literally the best. I love you so much for this entire blog and this post.
ReplyDeleteI love it. Thank u for sharing with us.
ReplyDeleteI love it. Thank u for sharing with us.
ReplyDeleteThank you SOOO MUCH!!! I am sad that soon the feeds will no longer be available. Hopefully someone can upload cute videos to YouTube!
ReplyDeleteI think the more interviews he does and they ask about Nicole, the more he expands. On the EW interview he said
ReplyDeleteWe are both recently single so this is something we need to discuss outside the house. I have never known Nicole outside of the house and she lives on the other side of the country. If it is something we want to be serious about, things need to progress with our friendship outside of the house.
Thats progression for him. heyyy
Yes it definitely seems like he's open to a relationship outside the house if she wants to make it work. All the doubters can take their hate elsewhere bc we all knew their feelings for each other were real all along. Can't wait to follow their journey outside of the house!
DeleteHe did such a great job on his interviews. He was beaming and came across so much like the guy we see on the live feeds as opposed to the guy he was edited as on the show.
DeleteHis care for Nic is evident. I do hope that they can explore this love they have created for each other.
Does anyone know when flashbacks will become unavailable for this season? They let you still watch for a few weeks after the season ends right?
ReplyDeleteWho misses MEECOLE :)
Go read ''House Chat '' at Jokers. Very telling.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone listen that interview with Corey for some frog blog where he says he is definitely single? It is on twitter. I cant listen because I don't have headphones with me
ReplyDeleteJust listen and said what he always says. right now they are both single and out of the house they will see what happens. You can't say if your in a relationship till you both agree what to do.Generic answer to me.
ReplyDeleteThx. I Can't listen. I just saw on twitter someone is freaking out and some of them thinks it was good and he presented Nicole and him really good.
DeleteHe was very good about Nic. Girl put him on spot about single hood. now he is single and they are best friends but they could go romantically if things progress out of the house. in other words. they have to talk. This is exactly what went down with Jeff and Jordan. Same questions and same answers. Also girl sounded excited and could not wait to talk to Nicole.
ReplyDeletelLet me add also that I do think he worries about Hayden too. A week ago they had a serious talk in hamic. He asked her how she thought Hayden would take it..She asked about old GF to him. He was saying she is probably blowing up his email. So they do talk about these things.Also Nic made it clear Hayden and her were finished.
ReplyDeleteOne more thing. This is from new interview today at Jokers. '' Corey Brooks: Hopefully we can continue to be best friends after the show. If things progress romantically than great. If not, I know we will be really good friends forever.
ReplyDeleteRosie- that comment is pulled from his interview at TVGuide. I think it is consistent with all he is saying.
DeleteKeep in mind that Corey is still reeling from the game. I think he is offering smart rational comments about him and Nic. I am sure somewhere in his mind he is also thinking did she tell me the whole truth??
He offered in Jeff's interview that they are a like in many ways and not a like. There are gobs of instances that the two of them discussed that fit in both of those categories the last 90 days.
I'm sure a part of him would never profess he's "all in" before they chit chat outside the house.
Here's hoping for the best that they can make things work as a couple but I also believe having a connection - best friend-wise is also somewhat a win for both of them in life too.
NICOLE WON BB18!!!!!!!! (: (: (:
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy for you Nicole