Saturday, September 10, 2016


12:18 am - Corey jokingly brings a box of condoms to the HOH room.
12:57 am 3/4- Snuggling
2:19 am 3/4- Cute convo about if Corey was a twin switching back and forth.
11:52 am 1/2- Laying in bed, Nic cuddles up to Cor.
6:22 pm 1/2- Feeds back from Veto.

6:28 pm 1/2-Nicorey in HOH room, Corey pulls Nic onto his lap.

6:39 pm All- Corey talking about how good Nicole's butt looks on his comic.
6:48 pm 3/4- Talking about how Nic is in Corey's comic. Nicole thinks Corey is mad she's in it.

7:12 pm 1/2- Nic-"I'm gonna have a Big Brother room." Corey- "We gonna have one together?" Nic- "Yep." Corey- "Aww"
8:30 pm All- All the boys scare Nicole.

10:57 pm 1/2- Talking about how they're good sidekicks for each other. Corey says how good she's done lately and then hugs her.
11:09 pm 1/2- Nic dropping compliments

11:25 pm 1/2- Snuggling


  1. At 9:00am-ish. Was Corey kidding wth Nicole or was he sleep talking?

    1. He was awake. He was flirting with her as they were in and out of sleep. Sometimes they are so far away from each other in that big ole bed. One point early this morning they talked about how they both like Tokyo better than being in HOH room. :)
      Corey rolls over in bed and Nic is basicallly right next to him.
      Corey: Oh hello! I didn't even know you were right there. (Next to him in HOH bed.)
      Nicole: Yeah you did.
      Corey: What?
      Nicole: Yeah you did.
      Corey: No I didn't.
      Nicole: You couldn't feel anyone?
      Corey: Naha, you're sneaky! I didn't even know you came back. When did you come up here?
      Nicole: Shut up - calm down.
      Corey: I thought you left.
      Nicole: (Inaudible)
      Corey: I literally didn't even hear the door open.
      Nicole: Yes you did. You (Inaudible)
      Corey: What? You want (Inaudible) too?
      Nicole: Corey just cuddle me.
      Corey: Dude are you a ghost?
      Nicole: Corey!
      Corey: Hmm
      Nicole: Corey just cuddle.
      And they do.

    2. Yest she went to replace her battery and he thought she was a super hero bc he thought she was gone only like a sec.

    3. Annalisa - I believe you are referring to scene yesterday. This morning he rolled over in bed and there she was.

  2. Kidding I think.

    Hoping Vic tells Nicole the hot tub convo before the veto today (if he was a game player he would do it to mess with their head space before a competition where his life is on the line, but he might care about her to much to do it on camera). That way they'll HAVE to have that conversation they've both been skirting around. Helll, even Victor and Paul had a conversation last night about the real possibility of Victor moving with Paul. I mean when the bromance is being more proactive in planning their future together than the showmance, you know something is up.

    1. I don't want him to do it before the comp cause then she might not take it serious and think bad of victor
      But yeah I agree that convo has to happen

    2. Nic and Corey talked that night before noms on how P&V might get mean or nasty between noms and evic. I'm not sure how much she would actually believe.

    3. I think Corey was upset and jealous at the time of the hot tub due to the kiss comment and was venting. I think he wants to go slow, after bb. He never said in that conversation he would not date Nicole. I think Vic will try to bring it up but Nicole knows Corey very well.

  3. I have an off topic question. Since they are doing a taped eviction tomorrow, which day will it air and how long will feeds be down?

    1. It will be taped on Monday and air on Tuesday, I expect feed to be down for around 36 hours (and then within 24 hours of the feeds coming back we will have an other eviction) #BB18

    2. feeds will be down on monday probably before eviction then come back till tuesdays west coast show

    3. I assume when feeds do come back on Tuesday night, we will find out at that time who won final 4 veto so we should know who is going to final 3.

    4. I assume when feeds do come back on Tuesday night, we will find out at that time who won final 4 veto so we should know who is going to final 3.

    5. yeah i would think so too because wednesday would be the eviction

    6. I think final 4 Veto might be played live on Wednesday, since the Veto holder essentially is only vote to evict. I watched last season's episode and that seems like how it happened.

    7. I read feeds will be down for 48 hrs

  4. taped eviction monday, airs tuesday, live eviction weds.

  5. It looks like one of them will be in the final 3, and who ever it is would win. It's there. Hopefully the two of them can be F3, but if not one will for sure win. They both played a great winning game.

    1. I'm happy with whatever happens at this point. I for sure thought they were as good as dead when Nat/Meech became HOH. Of course I'd like to see them make f2 and/or win, but I'm content with how long they've lasted in the game. Hope and pray they win veto and send Victor packing.

    2. Looks like really good odds at least 1 will be winner or 2nd place. They haven't had to worry about being split up for a couple of weeks, it's been mostly game play talk. Getting the win for these 2 seems to he the only concern. When Nic was worried abt him leaving she talked abt missing him but since then it's not been a concern. As much as it would be a hard time for Nic I wish Vic would tell her just to get the reaction. Um actually surprised that Vic hasn't played that card.

    3. I kinda think Vic knows Corey is somewhat full of it when he talks with the guys, that might be the reason he is choosing not to say anything!
      Last week at some point (after the hot tub convo) Vic was doing a BB nature watch thing talking about Corey and he stated that Nicole was Corey's rock... I think Vic knows Corey really does have feelings for Nicole, and maybe he is choosing not to get on the personal level!
      Just a thought, but I could be wrong!

    4. Plus Vic was shot down when he tried to bring up the after party to Corey. I really feel like if it is ever asked it will be more about why he talked to Vic about her.

    5. Heidi - great memory on the BB nature watch. Vic did point that out. Plus Vic and Paul both constantly refer to them as a couple. Everyone in the house knows they are connected. They clearly show PDA in the house and if they were just hooking up that would not happen.
      I really don't think Nic would be shocked (hurt, yes) if Vic dropped that convo on her. She knows they will do whatever (pots/pans) to win.

    6. In the end Corey is going to have to face the consequence of that conversation. That conversation is all over the Internet, and worse it's been represented incorrectly. The press is going to have day with that nugget. Once he finds out, he knows how much it's going to hurt her and despite everything, even if they end up just friends, he cares deeply about her. Also Corey is going to have a tough time after bb, him being characterized as a dumb jock, the goat story and notsogay Corey.

    7. Nic was telling him today that they will go over any contraversy there is in the public from things they've said. He asked her if she thinks he's said anything. Piir guy has no idea but his skin is thicker than hers.

    8. Corey appears to be pretty realistic. The comments, and life of the aka goat story, are so unfounded. He told the story of someone else. Its the trolls of this fanhood that should most likely look in the mirror before casting stones
      It is one of things I dislike so much about BB. Why do people watch to hate?
      It's pretty clear based on the stories of his life that he likes women. And even if he didnt who cares.
      The dumb jock -- clearly not so dumb. he's a pretty confident guy.
      But those guys have talked about A-z as far as drinking, dating, partying, etc. But not many 25 year old guys who haven't
      what have ya...not really bothered by much of it.
      I think its amazing that Vic and Paul have talked about many contro topics but do not get dragged on social media.

  6. 1209/1210 Nic-I'm the only superfan left in house. C-Your the only super fan of me. Nic-yup

  7. Nic and Corey super sore today they keep saying. Nic def cranky

    1. they ended up making a nice breakfast together and having chit chat. I love that Corey calls out to both their families the last several mornings.

    2. So sweet that he includes her family. Such a couple thing to do.

  8. 415 Cor called to HOH and then we get jeffish. Must be Veto time. Only C&N were up and have had breakie. James had just awoke headed to shower. P&V were sound asleep.
    Come on NIC!!!

  9. I swear there was something c said to n about dating other guys? Anyone know?

    1. today? can't find.
      IN the hot tub with victor he implies nic is going to be hit up by dudes after the show.

  10. Yesterday after 130am ish Nicole told Corey "I love you Corey Brooks" they were talking about picking teams. Did anyone hear this am I correct and in what content did she say it.

    1. She had told him something about regretting picking him... It took her a while but she finally took it back (don't know what that was all about) then it's hard to hear what she said after that but it sounded like I loved something... Couldn't hear what!

    2. I know she was teasing him when she said that she regretted picking him and said as much. Personally I would think it would be pretty obvious that she was teasing. I mean, not only does she adore him (IMO, love) but look how far their teaming up has gotten her in the game!

    3. "I love giving you a hard time." That's what I heard when watching it over.

    4. Can someone tell me the exact time stamp for this? I looked at 130 am and couldn't find it.

  11. I think that "picking" was code word. She had said she regretted "picking" him then later says she was just kidding when she said that. I don't think she was kidding when she said it, I think Nicole is a little worried about their activities, and that's why she said that but then upon fuller reflection she decides that she doesn't actually regret it and wanted to make sure he knew that. You only live once and yes, it's not great that the cameras are capturing it, if I was in her position, I'd enjoy myself as well, as she doesn't have guarantees that she'll have him in her life after the show.

    1. Just rewatching it and I see what you mean. I totally didn't get it the first time. lol

    2. Makes sense since she says it was too soon. Picking him too soon doesn't make sense.

    3. picking has nothing to do with the teams but all about this duo and their "affection" for each other. I am guessing she is talking about the London room incident to start.
      I think that attraction is tough to resist at times. Its happened to a few house guest but in reality that dies down when the aftermath settles. I can't imagine it wrecking their lives. It's not like they kiss and tell and are very respectful to each other.
      The drag on social media is atrocious.
      Its consensual and its between two adults who can make their own decisions. Let it be I say. This is an everyday life occurrence that happens between two peeps falling for each other.


  12. Here's a couple of cute videos that I found while waiting for this dang veto to be done : -and-

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Actually the other part of our duo...Nic won.

    3. But apparently she thinks he's disappointed in his comic having to do with their showmance. It hurt her feelings.

  14. Replies
    1. Yea he keeps talking about how good she did

    2. Nicorey game strong these past few weeks! I'm loving it!

  15. 639 Corey praises Nic's backside BIG TIME
    (which his comic was based off of) Can't wait to see.

    1. Whatever happened in the London room! !!!!

    2. you need to go back to 8/22 it is explained there

  16. I found a short vid. Did they really have sex on camera?

    1. Did not appear to be intercourse...heavy but not that.

  17. Corey's acting weird about his comic. I'm pretty sure he wanted it to just be about him.

    1. No nic is acting weird about his comic. His concern was about why CHristmas?

  18. You kinda can't blame him... I mean everyone else is all by theirselves...

    It's a subject they should just agree to drop! IMO

    1. Yea a while back they talked abt what there comics would be and he was excited.

  19. I dont think he is offended but I understand him. Everyone other has theirs. I would feel same. It is not just showmance what he did in house.

  20. yeah its like you dont want to be known just for a showmance he wants his own thing which sucks cause most ppl perceive him as nicoles side kick

    1. I'm not hearing it that way. She is the one who has the issue because she thinks its him kicking her to the curb. He's wondering if its her kicking him to the curb.
      He also didn't understand why she had her octoberfest germatard (from s16).
      She is the one fretting. Not him.

    2. He says something that hurts her feelings, goes to fish, comes back nic looking like she's going to cry and he says he was kidding

    3. They were all joking about. Then they kiss (on cheek) and make up. But she as normal is mulling it mulling it

      But a little later - your eyes were perfect in it.

  21. He said he was actually glad it encompassed his BB experience and again he thought her arse was phenomenal on it. (I could have buried my face in it...he said.)

  22. 712 N-I am going to have a BB room in my house. C-Are we going to have it together. <3

  23. 7:20 Thanks BB Comic guy for giving Nicole a heads up. And good job Nicole for guessing what it means.

  24. Nic's in DR now. I hope they don't get her all shook up like usual.

    1. She always comes back swirled when she goes to the DR after a comp. The paranoia sets in. Because she is worrying about the next step.

  25. Corey needs to stop being a douche during dude talk about the wrap party...she is going to find out and he is not going to like losing her

    1. He shook his head and said "nah" at the beginning. Vic was just too loud.

    2. he shook his head laughing and smirking these are not clips nicole would like to see i can imagine ppl sending them to her it doesnt look good regardless if he meant it or not

    3. He shook his head Nah.
      These dudes are bro-ing.

      It bothered me more when he was talking about the need for Dillon to be single when he got home so they could hang out.

      But I think they'll need time apart before they figure things out. There needs to be a decompression to see what you missed.

    4. He shook his head and said No. Vic is one who always wants bring that up and try to be loud.

  26. Also, I still extend the invite for those who wish to chat in a Nicorey friendly room...Slop's Room is open and we are a good group...come join us

  27. Did you guys here Vic? When Nic and Corey were talking about the comic?
    Vic says something about swooping in to get Nic if corey leaves her.

    1. whatttt ?? do you know the time ?

    2. I feel no matter happens between Nicole and Corey, Vic will just remain a friend to Nicole. There has been numerous conversations between her and Corey about not hanging out with other HGS.

    3. Yup! "El Fit Vic swoops in" lol

  28. 838 the guys crushing corey on loosing followers if he shits on Nic. He says he is definitely going to Ubly.

    IMO Corey is slow playing their relationship during these dude convos.

    1. I think you might be right. He has to try to make Paul and James think there is a chance that he could choose them over Nic in F2 situation.

  29. I actually want Vic to say something to her about these convos so he has to own up and explain

    1. i think most people want that just to see what he says

    2. to be honest, i want that too.
      I want this because i know that they like each other and can work it out. Otherwise i would not, because i don't want her to be heartbroken.
      But they Need to talk about that and it would be better before they got out of the house and confront with all what there ist.

  30. Nic goes up to talk to Corey. James comes up. Everyone always flocking to nicorey. Its a wonder they can even say "what's up" to each other.

  31. 1013 C walks into the hoh bath as soon as Nic out of shower to give her a bite of icecream he whipped up. For some reason, I thought that was so sweet.

  32. Any thoughts on why Nicole constantly covers her mouth with her arm, hand, shirt, or blanket?
    Normally when someone is covering their mouth it means they are not telling the truth.
    But she usually does this around Corey.

    1. Yeah, probably to hide her expression. She is just one those people that you could just look at their face and know what's up lol. So she's self-conscious about that I guess.

    2. I also think, when they're in bed and he gets close to her, she does that. It makes me think she doesn't/ is nervous to kiss him.

  33. 10:55 Nicole to Corey: Vic must not think that you like me or something. I feel like he wouldn't cross the boundaries he crosses

    PLEASE pay attention Nic, I know you see what's going on.

    1. ever since the bb comp she throws hints

    2. I watched some early days from the season. Back on 6/29 the two of them had a convo about Vic being inappropriate. This is not new to them.
      If Corey says anything to Vic, it could be a game changer.
      Just the other night N&C talked about Vic's behavior.

      Im not going to panic. There is no reason to believe that Corey does not have feelings for nic. They'l have to see how real life plays out.

  34. 1127 it appears her whispers to her "I think you like Vic"

    1. holy smokes - he appears to have doubts too.

      She answers back - no
      He gets called to DR.

    2. do you guys think he actually believes that or likes to mess with her
      she was like eww no lol her relationship with vic reminds me of her and zach , zach had a little crush on her but she was into hayden but enjoyed zachs company and now their really good friends

    3. I think he's using it to turn it around on her. This isn't his first rodeo, as James would say, which I mean you have to expect from a guy as hot as he is. He demonstrated his skills in the scenarios discussion, where he acknowledged his skills to turn it around on a girl.

      I wouldn't worry though, she's not dumb, she called him on it after their 'true colors' fight when she was like 'you're mad at me for crying, i'm sorry but i'm not going to feel bad about that'. I think she's just enjoying her time with him, knowing it's going to come to an end, and hopefully she can cut that time shorter by sending him to Jury at final 3, if it gains her jury votes.

    4. I think he must believe it or he would not have asked considering he avoids most everything.
      I think her questioning whether vic should go this week, telling him DR asked her about Vic's comic, and knowing he heard Vic say he would swoop in to nic (based on the kitchen convo about corey's comic earlier)
      I would say he has been mulling things.
      Exactly why these fools need to have a real convo:
      1. here's how I feel about you right now.
      2. here's what I hope we can do in real world - friends, try to be more, etc.
      But this boy never reveals.
      that's why I was so shocked he just asked her that.

      And now....DR wrecks it. Dang them.

      Vic has been hitting on her since week 1. Corey and Nic talked about it way back then. Paul and Nic talked about it numerous times during the season.

      The bummer part is Corey most likely will not come back to this convo.

    5. I do not think she likes Vic. Her character is flirty but her morals portray someone who is loyal to one person and she would not put herself on live feed with the intimate snuggles if she did not like Corey

    6. I do not think she likes Vic. Her character is flirty but her morals portray someone who is loyal to one person and she would not put herself on live feed with the intimate snuggles if she did not like Corey

    7. There as been numerous times where Nicole has said she does not like Vic and she is not that type of girl that likes someone and goes and does something naughty with someone else.

    8. She is friendly with him but also has expressed that he crosses the line. That was corey's insecurities coming through.

    9. There as been numerous times where Nicole has said she does not like Vic and she is not that type of girl that likes someone and goes and does something naughty with someone else.

    10. Did Corey hear Vic say he would swoop in?

  35. Anyone know the timestamp of Vic saying he would swoop in on Nicole

    1. between 714 and721 still looking for exact. Nic and Corey are talking and Vic is behind Nic.

  36. My flashbacks for yesterday aren't working. Missed the 8:38 comment. Did he say he was going to ubly just worried about losing followers?

    1. HE said he was def going to Ubly. The boys were all in their bro talk saying if he shit on nic he would loose followers b/c he probably has some b/c of nic.
      They were trying to imply that he was not going to hang out with her. He said, no I"m def going to Ubly.

    2. Thanks. Finally got it to load. I just think Vic is trying to set Corey up to look bad to Nic after the show. That bro talk is really getting old. Those even joking comments will hurt Nic.

  37. 1230 Nic asks if he minds if she goes and sleeps in Tokyo

    1. She's annoying me, I would mind if you slept in Tokyo

    2. 1232 she says won't it be nice in 10 days we will not have to talk about game. He says - yEs, i'll be spitting at ya brah.

  38. 1240 C- You gave me some pretty big compliments earlier. You made my day.
    (she was gushing on him)

  39. 1244 Nic says 10 more days. We have only known each other for 3 months. He says yeah. She says but we have spent more time together than some people spend in a year. He says yeah.
    I think she was opening up the door for talk. He gives her nothing.
    Meanwhile, P &V trashing them downstairs.
    Its the 2nd awkward night in a row in the ole HOH.
    The end of the show is looming and know one wants to talk.

    1. I should not they were holding hands. Corey seems deep in thought.

  40. Replies
    1. They are not in a good place tonight. Nic seems like she is getting sick. Sneezing all day. Hot and Cold.
      Won't let Corey touch her the last two days. Except for hugs.
      Game talk about how they are actually going to get to F2.
      She tells him if he has to make a deal with Paul but leave her out of it.
      He rolls over with his back to her.
      She tries to talk. He says I get it.
      She is sitting up. He's rolled over.

    2. I think Corey is doubting that Nic will take him to F2.

    3. we get fished for eon's. And then next thing Nic's in kitchen with Paul eating cereal.

    4. I am confused! This is the time when they need to be the closes.

    5. I think he's mostly worried that they won't win veto next week and will be broken up.

  41. 130-134 massive fish as nic makes her way back to HOH but intermittent convo can be heard. 133- she says how am I being shady

  42. 134 whispers under cover. He thinks she is being weird.

  43. 138 - says she is being sketch. 1. getting mad at me about comics, and list a few other things.
    comes down to Nic says - is this about you asking me if I like vic.

  44. 141 cuddles while they talk about his reaction to the comic.

  45. 144 He tells her he is stressing about them both getting to f3. They then talk it through. As they are in each others arms.

  46. 146 big convo about corey thinking nic likes vic

    1. Can you elaborate more on this convo, please :)

    2. BB_Updates on twitter lays it out pretty good word for word but no timestamps.

  47. Replies
    1. He is super jelly. About time it came out.
      154 kisses and whispers we cant hear (damn fish tank)

    2. he basically says if nat had said things like vic says to would have been pissssed. She says what can I do we are in a game.

    3. I am so glad he used that reference, bc it is true! If rolls were reversed and Nat was doing to Corey what Vic does to Nic... She would be extremely pissed!

  48. 157 full out make(up)out seesh. Covers over head...
    but we get fished b/c v&P are having nasty convo's in london.

  49. 206 big wiisper convo
    he says outloud I miss friends.
    She gives him pep talk.
    She said in 10 days you can forget about bb but keep your head in the game.

  50. 210 cute convo about BFF's "couldn't have done it without you" Instant connection since day 1.

  51. 221 Corey - smiles I have to tell you something. they fish US! come back to giggle.

    1. seems as though he is making up his "secrets" as joke but we keep getting fished. Which is weird b/c they are the only ones on cam
      The giggles in between is awesome.
      Oh this is the duo we know. :)

      but the secret discussion continues.....he says he does not want to say it on live feed.She says if you do no tell me before one of us walks out the door...I'll never speak to you again.
      230 he says you are being kinda stern. She says yes, I can be. He says, that's kind a hot.

    2. 236 cuddle smush (when he rubs her head...swoon)
      239 start talking again.. fish.
      back to cuddling...hoping for sleep but they are restless.

      Thanks for letting me hijack the feedback. (insomniac kinda night)
      I appreciate the blog. thanks for keeping us all informed and the great screen shots.

    3. The fish may come up because he is telling her his secret. Wonder what his secret is.
