This blog is to archive live feed timestamps for Nicorey moments. They could be cute and fun, hot and heavy, or maybe moments where they're squabbling. They have been so fun for us Nicorey shippers to watch this year. We love #Nicorey!!!!
Monday, September 12, 2016
The kids get competitive. And what's funny is they both dish it out and neither can take it. haha
You almost want to light a candle for them to make it to F3! LetÅ› go crazy here: why not F2, that would be awesome, never ever before in the BB-house. I just want it not only because they are beautiful people from the inside out but also the way they BOTH played.
I just re-watched last night at 1003. It so dang cute when he wins at poker. He pulls her to him and I swear they were going to kiss. But the love is evident. <3
:) I also loved when they were sitting having "dinner" around the high table. She made him a sandwich. He was super sweet.
And his FACE when she walked out in his hoodie. Priceless.
1131pm She asks for a hug. He asks if she is feeling okay. In the kitchen. The camera barely catches it. I thought it was so dang sweet. It was a moment.
And despite the stress of the game, they steal moments that show they have feelings deeper than a "mate"
a bit. One thing I remember about the end of their season when Jordan wins is Jeff felt/look really awkward. Does he hug her or what? So even they doubted their feelings. I think I remember they dated long distance for some time. She was just a small town, very connected to her family kinda girl too. Nicole has talked how she received advice from Jordan when she and Hayden where together. If I remember correctly, from an interview, J & J had them to dinner.
Nicole and Corey so remind me of Jeff and Jordan. In the end they had the same up and downs. Jordan did not like his answers to Julie about their future on finale night. So when she came out the door, Jordan ignored Jeff. He was upset. I heard he came to her room next morning and that when decided to become a real couple. Nic and Corey seem very close. Hope it ends up the same way!!!
they actually didnt become a real couple till after they went home and realized how much they actually liked each other they have their own youtube channel where they explain how things happen, the only thing about corey is that he never talks about nicole or about being in a showmance maybe because of how he is being edited but i found that weird . Even when they did the extra episode and they talked about the showmances it only showed how nicole felt never corey anyone find that strange?
oh really thats cool in his youtube story he said it differently but why do you think cbs doesnt portray nicole and corey as a showmance just nicoles comments on corey
I myself think they wanted James and Nat to be the showmance of the season. Julie said herself that James and Nat were a showmance and Nic and Corey were a flirt mance. Maybe because she got all the attention BB 16 with Hayden..
Keep in mind that Corey and Nic have both indicated they really like each other to other hgs. James, Paulie, Tiff (she told them both they were the cutest and they both replied - yeah he/she is cool). Da, Z,....everyone knows they have feeling for each other. It's only production that has not shown it in the shows. UNTIL our power couple started controlling the house. Then CBS had no choice but to show them close to each other in the bed, etc. I am sure casual viewers were thinking..what the heck. Corey and Nic have both been in long term relationship and been coupled for long periods of time. I can't imagine that the take feelings casually when they have been so loyal to partners in the past. I would imagine that considering Corey and Nic started from early on (calling it whatever they wanted) my bet is the have actually spent more quality time together than they had with some of the past partners. It is not going to be an easy thing to go cold turkey on the heart nor mind. James hit home yesterday when he said "it will hit you as you are walking down the runway to get on your plan". Corey responded with something like I am going to miss the shit out of cuddling Nicole. I'm hoping they talk at the hotel (maybe the other boys will leave them alone long enough to talk --hee hee) Shipping on them big time that they are in a good place tonight. Pop TV is playing BBAD episode tonight Midnight ET that shows them from this morning doing crafts. So we can get a little nicoco time by watching that :) I am recording mine so I can actually sleep before 3am. Goodnight And thanks again blog queen Nicoco for letting us gush our love about these kiddos.
Watching yesterday at 3:29 about how their favorite hobby is to try to get under each others skin. Goes on for about 10 minutes as Corey is like a dog with a bone trying to figure out what he does on a daily basis to annoy Nicole. She then pats him on the leg (which is the way he annoys her every day) and it goes completely over his head that she just told him what it was. Also, as they get into the kitchen and she goes "Geez O'Pete, I spilt my water trying to get my butt out of your vision". Too cute that she knows he's totally got a thing for her bum.
Yeah I don't deny that they don't have feelings for each other the thing I'm wondering is in the dr Corey never talks about Nicole and those nice things he says he has said has never been shown they portray their showmance as if Nicole was the only one interested even now it's just about strategic moves like a duo
We are only seeing a small portion of DR. A couple of weeks ago when he did one of his speeches, on the beads they talked about him shouting out Nicole but that never made TV. It's all in the editing. He always mentions toy that he calls her cutie in the DR
But in the sense of knowing spoilers anyone who watches feeds knows who won what as soon as feeds are back so yeah they'd be right everytime if that makes sense
But how do you know if it wasn't shown yet but if Paul did win HOH I'm not too worried because as long as Corey or Nicole win veto then James would go home since let's say if Corey won veto then he would be off the block and then he would be the only one voting and he won't vote out Nicole
Did anyone else notice Sunday when James was talking about them missing eachittee that Corey said something about snap chatting her and she said eww snapchat. Corey then said stop trying to be tough.
Did anyone here watch BBAD? According to Twitter, Corey was in an awful mood and wouldn't talk to Nicole. The episode was pre-recorded yesterday morning right after feeds cut off, and I know people were speculating something was off between them before going to sleep. I wasn't sure if someone watched and could give their take because I know people on Twitter like to exaggerate about Corey's behavior towards Nicole...
Totally agree he does that - which is completely understandable under all this stress and pressure - but Twitter made it seem like he was pissed/annoyed at Nicole and even left her in the kitchen to be alone upstairs. They made it seem like he was not just distant and anxious, but angry so I was looking to see if anyone here had actually watched.
My stomach is in knots...the emotion of the game is hard enough to deal with.....let alone worrying about someone you care about too. I don't think their angst is all game related though. Its almost over and they haven't talked about what happens next...clearly, that's weighing on them
I'm just starting to watch. And the first few minutes of them rising is frosty. She appears to be making breakfast for them and says hello and he says nothing.
I watched , not much footage honestly. When it started they were still in bed , Corey had moved to the same end of the bed as her but they were not touching. Nicole was called to the DR so she went downstairs and got ready and started breakfast. Corey came down shortly after and started cleaning the kitchen right away , neither were really talking . Corey finished cooking after Nicole got called back to the DR. There wasn't much talking during eating except Nicole did ask if he thought she would win in final 2 with James he seemed a little annoyed about her asking that and things did seem off with them. She decided to take playdough up to the HOH after eating to study with and told him he should too and he reminded her that he couldn't play HOH and she reminded him there was still veto to worry about. Corey went upstairs a few mins after Nicole , got in bed and started listening to Music. Nicole asked him what was wrong which he replied with nothing and she told him to stop lying a little back and forth with that. A few mins later she crawled in bed with him and was cuddling him , he was a little hesitant at first but did eventually start rubbing her back. A little back in forth of be nice , Nicole told him she showers him with love , cooking, compliments and that she try's to kiss him he smiles agrees but doesn't say much else. She comments only 9 more days. After this she goes back to playing with the playdough and he goes back to music , she starts to protest when he goes to put the headphones on and he asks if she wanted to talk she says no with a smile. Corey did seem a little off but didn't seem angry to me , maybe just a little worried.
I think it's just a stressful situation for the both of them. I think the stress of the game and the fact that it is almost over it weighing heavy on both of them. I have faith that they are fine.
He said one time when he was a HN that he needs touch when he is down. That's probably just what he needs. Praying for POV win otherwise I think Nicole will be evicted. James and Paul don't want to battle her in endurance. I don't think I can handle the last days being all nasty bro talk either. :(
Thanks for the update BBfan! I'm so glad I'm not the only one so worried about these 2. We need some bb xanex for our group. I was worried about them yesterday morning but then felt better. Now worried again. But I really think that Corey is just totally freaked out at this point about the game. Nic seems much calmer. I can't imagine the stress that they are feeling so it's understandable if there is tent ion between them.
It's been about three days for them being off except for snippets here and there. It's certainly a stressful situation. I just wish they'd cut all the mess out of it. I'm going to stick with I think that there's some trust issues about whose taking who
I just watched BBAD. To me he seems like he is in one of those moods that he zones out. She kept asking what was wrong and he say nothing with a small smile. He held it for awhile. Nic got up and he said,don'tyou pwant to talk and she smiled and said no. He was baiting her and he had smile on his face too. I really think he is in one those pouting moods and she knows and won't give into it. We have seen this many times where he will then try and fix it. Those are my thoughts. Her smile in the end exactly what he was doing.
Who wouldn't be stressed out. Being involved "MORE THAN A SHOWROMANCE" and trying to win 500k against that person who you care about. I think I would go hide in a corner and cry
I believe Corey thinks he will be the one evicted if they don't win POV. The flip side is Nicole getting evicted just days after Victor. I imagine that would weigh heavy on his mind as well.
James won't want to battle Nicole in endurance and Paul won't want to battle Nicole in mental. I think Corey will be F3 regardless. If Nicorey doesn't win POV and Nicole leaves, I may not be able to handle a week of "bro" talk. :(
Vic actually used to be the worst with the bro talk, I would hope it wouldn't be so bad with these 3... in fact James even would probably try to talk with Corey about how he misses Nicole, etc!
But for now, positive vibes... I don't want anything other than a Nicorey F2!
This may be a dumb question but I'm not sure in this. For tonight's episode is it eviction then hoh. Then will we see the feeds back up to know abt pov? Then tomorrow episode will cover pov? If they've already done pov comp it may be leaked like the hoh. I'm freaking out, can you tell lol
I think tonight is eviction HoH and noms then tomorrow's episode is pov and eviction. We should find out who won pov tonight when feeds are back. I'm freaking out too I'm so nervous!!!
HOH was hosted by Julie, probably a quiz of some kind, before and after or quotes. So there was an audience, hence the leak. The POV will be later today, in the afternoon, and only production will know, so no spoilers. The feeds return 12am EST or 9pm PST, we will know the results based on their moods.
I live in Canada and can't access live feeds so i am forever thankful for this site. I am constantly refreshing my browser for new updates. I'm more focused on updates verses actually working lol. I don't think I've ever been more nervous about anything in my life. They need to pull through!!!
I'm so obsessed that Im constantly refreshing this blog and live feeds. I can't wait to go home and watch bbad. Will have somewhat I a fix before show. Seriously freaking out since one of them could be going home tomorrow and I'm so worried about how things will be left between then. Plus I really want them to be f2 and win this thing.
Who wouldn't be stressed out. Being involved "MORE THAN A SHOWROMANCE" and trying to win 500k against that person who you care about. I think I would go hide in a corner and cry
I hear ya. I woke up so early this morning just so I can watch last nights BBAD. I'm having such anxiety I want them to be final two and take home the title.
Hearing about how awkward BBAD was and the tension between Nicorey made my anxiety about the current situation worse. I just want to know they are okay.
It was a bit awkward not gonna lie but I think it's the stress of everything game and relationship. I want these two to be together so bad it's a little ridiculous lol.
I agree about it being a super stressful situation. Heck, I'm married and if I was even in that situation with my HUSBAND, I'd be stressed. Wouldn't doubt that we'd even bicker/get annoyed/etc.
Corey is the one the other day who commented on the stuff Vic says to Nicole stating "If Nicole and I have a thing after this" or something along those lines (same time he almost called her his girl/girlfriend). It's obviously on their minds. I do think they want to try to be together. They both have their moments where they try to be "tough", but you can't deny their connection. Just watch the feeds from 8/31.
When you're trying to win 500,000 AND define a relationship, like EB said, that's going to be SUPER stressful.
I know I caught him catching himself from labelling their relationship. It was actually very cute. I agree with you on not being able to hide or lie about their feelings for one another and you can tell that its weighing heavy on both their minds. It definitely doesn't help that they're both very competitive and have the end goal of winning it all on the mind also. They need to have a serious conversation after the show is over and there's no more interruptions and interferences.
I think they will have more interruptions and interferences once they are out the house, bc so many people will be giving their opinions and such! I just hope they are able to discuss it the 2 of them and hash it all out without outside influences! If they are truly meant to be though, I would think the interferences won't matter, at least I hope!
Very true, however I was thinking like when they get out of the BB house that night or the next day before everyone starts trying to get their opinions in.
Yes if they are meant to be they will overcome anything that comes their way. I'm just hoping that can make it work because they are just perfect together. :)
8/31 7:07 pm in the kitchen when she pulled at his shirt is my favorite Nicorey moment. Corey was the sweetest comforting her and making sure her feelings weren't hurt.
This moment is definitely in my top 5. My #1 moment is when they were in Tokyo and Nic was complaining about Paulie trying to take "her" spot. The look on Corey's face and him saying "our spot" wrecked me. ❤️❤️
The funny thing is that he's done that several times. For someone who isn't interested in getting married anytime soon he sure does mention it a lot. :)
And also keep in mind he almost went on the Bachelor. But ended up passing since he knew Jo Jo well. Him saying he is not ready to be in a realtionship may be all talk.
Anyone still wondering about the secret he wanted to tell her? He said he would tell her off the feeds. Some people say he was joking but it was too serious of a talk that night in the bed.
Here is another good one, in a group setting, they are doing dating scenarios, ring a bell, just look at Corey's (even Paulie's) reaction to all of Nicole's answers. He is just loving all of her answers. This is really early on, July 5th:
The only comfort I get about the situation between them is this blog. I'm so glad in not alone freaking out. To pass the time, everyone share their favorite nicorey moment
Did you notice our girl Nicole is not playing with Plato she's made a big sheet of red Plato and is using a fork to write notes into it? That is her study session. The little ball she's Makin with all the other colors is decoy
I had a chance to watch more closely on the pop show. These two seem fine but stressed. The casual viewers probably have no idea on how to pick up on some of their code words like what's up, be nice, etc. I think Cory was a bit peeved on a couple of the question she asked about F2. And I also think that he may be a little put off by her lack of kissing lately and I think that's why she's making the jokes about I really wanted to kiss you. Because if you look at last night she would not meet him halfway. When they are snuggling in bed around the two hour 48 minute mark and she rolls over I think his hand was somewhere she didn't want it to be and that's when she told him to be nice or he said you're mean and we all know that's a cutesy way of their talk. I think maybe she's done with some of the hot and heavy stuff on feeds now that they're so close to getting out. They both had little smirks and inside jokes that are a big part of their relationship. Are they stressed absolutely and if you look at some of the tribute videos based on what Cory's face looks like then and now he is just tuckered out. I love the conversation they had about two hours 15 minutes when she asked if his parents were competitive and he said oh yes and she said both of them and he said yes. He went on to say oh yeah they get into fights about stuff. Well they both giggled and it sure sounds like them. I'm much more comfortable and thinking they're on the same page from a personal perspective but they're just putting on their game faces. The casuals on Twitter don't watch them maybe as closely as we do so may not pick up on that. But as far as I'm concerned they were ready to go to battle
I think what we're seeing from yesterday morning all started with being competitive with card game Sunday night. Then like you said she may have turned down his advances bc he clearly rolls over frustrated after they both say their not tired. He goes to the opposite side of bed, can't sleep and finally asks if she's mad at him. She says no but that doesn't answer the reason why he thinks she is, only makes him more confused to why she turned him down. Then in the morning he's quiet. He asks how she slept, both not good. Then she goes into how she treats him good, gives him care, LOVE, compliments etc, then says that she tries to kiss him (Nic smirks) there's clearly meaning behind her saying that. She asks abt his parents being competive, he has huge smile on his face. She goes to shave her legs, when done notice he doesn't have the headphones on but waiting for her to come back to him in bed. His face says it all, he even asks if she wants to talk. But at that point I think she's over it. The game is weighing on him, her f2 comment but I think it's also confusion about her. Nic has been making more comments about ralatuinships and how well they know each other and pointing out that in the real world it would take a year to get to where they are. I agree that she's probably over the hot and heavy on camera and wants to wait, but even in the real world a girl would be over that until it's a legit relationship. She may be pulling back bc of that and she should.
Favorite Nicorey moment: The night they are hanging out with Paulie and Z, and Corey is being very cuddly. Then he whispers something in her ear, and his this flirtatious look/smile on his face, and that was the moment I knew he was super into her. His face just lit up. I felt like if he didn't like her, then I couldn't read people. So glad I was right about these two!
One of my favorite moments is when they're on the Hamic and people are taunting them to give me a kiss. And he kisses her several times on her head. And I also love when he pulls her to him. That hug on the Hamic a couple of nights ago when they weren't being too flirtatious because of stress and the way that he hugged her was pretty amazing. Even the cameraman zoomed in on Cory's hands on her back.
Several weeks ago in Tokyo Nicole was full of herself going on about when she knew that he had a crush on her, d you know what moment she was referring too. That was a cute moment when she was being all cocky about him.
Sweetest Nicorey moment was them sitting on the lounge chair, he is nibbling on her elbow and tells he thinks she is the sweetest girl on the planet. Nicole being Nicole tells him not the sweetest but she will take top 10. But personally I loved watching their domino matches because they would get so competitive and it's first time you see this part of them and they are exactly the same. If he loses he is fuming, flip the coin and it's the same with her. And the trash talk was hilarious because it would just fuel the other. It was so much fun to watch. Later on they would just tackle each when they lost. If they were alone in the outside world, you know they would be making out. These have some of the most sexual chemistry I have seen in a showmance and you can tell they have a difficult time containing it in the house.
I know that this isn't a sweet moment but a while back when they were both in their unitards laying in bed and she being oblivious sometimes places her safety hat on his crotch, his laugh when they realize where the hat was the most genuine deep belly laugh I have heard from him yet.
I also just love how passionate he is with her, from the little kisses on the neck and forehead to the back and shoulder rubs he gives her, and her with him from the head massages to always having to touch each other. But my all time favourite with these two is the hand holding as they fall asleep in each others arms.
Another sweet moment is when he signs cute, sweet, beautiful to her in the kitchen. She's wearing her safety unitard and is going on about candy and suckers and asking him what kind he likes and he's barely answering her, just staring at her with an amazed smile on his face when he suddenly signs to her. The look on her face when he explains what he is signing is so sweet too.
April --Bingo! I love this moment. I also kind of like the lusty love he has in his eyes when he watches her run the backyard the other day. There are a gazillion moments in the last 90+ days were love blossoms and chemistry zings through them. What about the night he massages her face with his fingers. Goodness- swoon.
It's so funny how invested I feel in these two! I just pray and hope things work out for them out of the house. What am I gonna do every day wondering what's going on with them???
Anyone else had enough of the negative comments about Nicorey on all the Facebook nb pages? How can anyone look at them and not see how much they both care about each other? It's so obvious. You can't fake the attraction that's between them. You just can't. Corey is happiest when he's with Nicole and vice versa. Why can't everyone see that???
I can honestly say that this blog is the only place I go to read and post my thoughts. I can't stand how much they're being hated on for what really?!?!
I agree. I've been an on again off again be fan for years but have only had live feeds for the last few years. It's a completely different show imo. It's so hard to read all the hate on twitter and joker's etc.
It's people that watch live feeds too and that bugs me even more. How they don't see what we do is beyond me. Unfortunately, that will keep Nic hidden from social media so we as her fans won't know what's going on between nicorey. Hoping Corey will fill us in.
I have no idea how peeps do not know they are invested in each other. Nic posted some stuff on her social media with Hayden. She went dark when the broke off. Her mom also is a big poster. Corey will post the mess out of stuf if they are together.
The funny thing is to watch something happen then read an account that was the complete opposite of what actually happened! The only thing that was focused on was the teasing they do and relating it like it was serious talk. And no mentions of the sweet stares or the inability to keep their hands off one another. I don't see how these things are missed.
Hopefully, on Fridays look back show we'll get some of their cuter moments since now CBS can put aside the Nat/James showmance since they didn't make it as far. Anyway, that's what I'm hoping for.
I bet they couldn't have gotten away with the edit if he wasn't encouraged to not take his medicine. This edit fell into their laps with Corey's lack of focus/distractibility at times due to his ADD/ADHD. Plus he's a big kid at times, completely goofy. It should have been charming and sweet but BB decided to make a joke out of it.
Paul is a great player. I think that proves NIc's concerns. I don't think Vic would have beat her on that one or face morph. But if a wall comp is at the end Paul most likely wont win that.
Peeps with live feeds please let those of us without feeds know the moment you know who won the veto because currently I am literally losing my mind not knowing
I am so conflicted! My youngest was up a couple times last night so I'm exhausted. Think I'll head to bed and see what happens. I'll probably end up rolling over and checking the time and my phone 100 times! Someone post here when they know who won the veto! And how Nicole and Corey seem to be doing. Ahh the stress!!!
So "Spoilers" if you haven't seen tonight's episode. Victor went home & Paul won HoH. Nicole was only off on the last question. Im scared for Nicorey right now. Nic must win Veto to survive I think. Poor thing she is beating herself up. I think Paul will put Nicorey on the block since they put up Vaul & went against the F4 deal.
I'm pretty sure Nic and Corey are nominated. Either one could win veto and make it to final three. One of them would have the task of votin out James though since he would be replacement nominee. I'm sure neither of them would look forward to that.
Does anyone think it's funny that Paul said Corey hasn't even gotten to first base with Nicole? I'm surprised these people really think they've never kissed after all the obvious sexual tension between the both of them ha
How cute is she in his hoodies :)
ReplyDeleteI believe he mentioned they were from his friends company (my time)
does anyone know how to record the live feeds?
ReplyDeleteYou almost want to light a candle for them to make it to F3! LetÅ› go crazy here: why not F2, that would be awesome, never ever before in the BB-house. I just want it not only because they are beautiful people from the inside out but also the way they BOTH played.
ReplyDeleteI agree 100%
Delete1 billion percent hoping for F2! Power Couple in the house!
DeleteI somehow feel so invested in these two! Final 2 would be awesome!!!
DeleteAgree with everything. I can't understand why they aren't lived by everyone. ❤️Nicorey
ReplyDeleteLet's do that, let's all lite a candle lol
ReplyDeleteso after the feeds are down for so long, did anyone of you found a Video platform account, where some Nicorey moments are?
ReplyDeleteMaybe we can share them?
I wish. I'm totally having withdrawals wondering how they're doing. What are we gonna do when this show is over????
Deletei wondering what they are doing too. I hope Nicole is HOH and safe. And Corey or Nic can win Veto.
DeleteHaving feed withdrawals! :(
DeleteI just re-watched last night at 1003. It so dang cute when he wins at poker. He pulls her to him and I swear they were going to kiss. But the love is evident. <3
ReplyDeleteNice catch!
DeleteI also loved when they were sitting having "dinner" around the high table. She made him a sandwich. He was super sweet.
And his FACE when she walked out in his hoodie. Priceless.
1131pm She asks for a hug. He asks if she is feeling okay. In the kitchen. The camera barely catches it. I thought it was so dang sweet. It was a moment.
And despite the stress of the game, they steal moments that show they have feelings deeper than a "mate"
Omg that video!
ReplyDeleteWhat video?
DeleteWhat video?
DeleteScroll up on this page
DeleteTrue feelings r going to show from both if they are f2 and alone in the house ;))
ReplyDeletetheir never going to be just them two cause its always final 3 but i guess that third person will be the third wheel ahaha
DeleteThey'll know feeds are off tonight....too. wink wink I hope they are able to celebrate and talk the mess out of each other.
DeleteHaving live feed withdrawal. Will the live feeds and be back on Wednesday or Thursday?
ReplyDeletePretty sure tuesday night
DeleteIs Corey and Nicoles relationship anything like Jeff and Jordans? (I really didn't watch Jeff and Jordan that much.)
ReplyDeletea bit.
DeleteOne thing I remember about the end of their season when Jordan wins is Jeff felt/look really awkward. Does he hug her or what?
So even they doubted their feelings. I think I remember they dated long distance for some time. She was just a small town, very connected to her family kinda girl too.
Nicole has talked how she received advice from Jordan when she and Hayden where together. If I remember correctly, from an interview, J & J had them to dinner.
Nicole and Corey so remind me of Jeff and Jordan. In the end they had the same up and downs. Jordan did not like his answers to Julie about their future on finale night. So when she came out the door, Jordan ignored Jeff. He was upset. I heard he came to her room next morning and that when decided to become a real couple. Nic and Corey seem very close. Hope it ends up the same way!!!
Deletethey actually didnt become a real couple till after they went home and realized how much they actually liked each other they have their own youtube channel where they explain how things happen, the only thing about corey is that he never talks about nicole or about being in a showmance maybe because of how he is being edited but i found that weird . Even when they did the extra episode and they talked about the showmances it only showed how nicole felt never corey anyone find that strange?
DeleteNo they were a couple the next day. They went right to Vegas and announced it there. I followed them from the beginning and I have metJeff.
Deleteoh really thats cool in his youtube story he said it differently but why do you think cbs doesnt portray nicole and corey as a showmance just nicoles comments on corey
DeleteI myself think they wanted James and Nat to be the showmance of the season. Julie said herself that James and Nat were a showmance and Nic and Corey were a flirt mance. Maybe because she got all the attention BB 16 with Hayden..
DeleteKeep in mind that Corey and Nic have both indicated they really like each other to other hgs. James, Paulie, Tiff (she told them both they were the cutest and they both replied - yeah he/she is cool). Da, Z,....everyone knows they have feeling for each other.
DeleteIt's only production that has not shown it in the shows. UNTIL our power couple started controlling the house. Then CBS had no choice but to show them close to each other in the bed, etc. I am sure casual viewers were thinking..what the heck.
Corey and Nic have both been in long term relationship and been coupled for long periods of time. I can't imagine that the take feelings casually when they have been so loyal to partners in the past. I would imagine that considering Corey and Nic started from early on (calling it whatever they wanted) my bet is the have actually spent more quality time together than they had with some of the past partners.
It is not going to be an easy thing to go cold turkey on the heart nor mind.
James hit home yesterday when he said "it will hit you as you are walking down the runway to get on your plan".
Corey responded with something like I am going to miss the shit out of cuddling Nicole.
I'm hoping they talk at the hotel (maybe the other boys will leave them alone long enough to talk --hee hee)
Shipping on them big time that they are in a good place tonight.
Pop TV is playing BBAD episode tonight Midnight ET that shows them from this morning doing crafts. So we can get a little nicoco time by watching that :) I am recording mine so I can actually sleep before 3am.
And thanks again blog queen Nicoco for letting us gush our love about these kiddos.
Great post!!
DeleteMy satellite went out overnight and didn't record BBAD. Is there any way to watch it online?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI decided to rematch episode 1 from this season. So funny it seems like so long ago!
ReplyDeleteWatching yesterday at 3:29 about how their favorite hobby is to try to get under each others skin. Goes on for about 10 minutes as Corey is like a dog with a bone trying to figure out what he does on a daily basis to annoy Nicole. She then pats him on the leg (which is the way he annoys her every day) and it goes completely over his head that she just told him what it was. Also, as they get into the kitchen and she goes "Geez O'Pete, I spilt my water trying to get my butt out of your vision". Too cute that she knows he's totally got a thing for her bum.
ReplyDeleteI missed that comment about her spilling her water. But that boy tracks her for sure. eyes on.
DeleteThat whole convo was interesting.
If you watch the tribute can see she gives him a few pats too :)
Having live feed withdrawal. Will the live feeds and be back on Wednesday or Thursday?
ReplyDeleteApparently they taped bbad this afternoon for tonight, so you can catch that.
DeleteBBAD is on channel 96 comcast.. POP
DeleteI've been watching big brother videos on YouTube. Especially love the Nicole tribute videos. Making me miss bb16 too!
DeleteDoes anyone have a way to watch BBad tonight?
ReplyDeleteYeah I don't deny that they don't have feelings for each other the thing I'm wondering is in the dr Corey never talks about Nicole and those nice things he says he has said has never been shown they portray their showmance as if Nicole was the only one interested even now it's just about strategic moves like a duo
ReplyDeleteHe always says "my girl Nicole." in the DR.
DeleteWe are only seeing a small portion of DR. A couple of weeks ago when he did one of his speeches, on the beads they talked about him shouting out Nicole but that never made TV. It's all in the editing. He always mentions toy that he calls her cutie in the DR
DeleteYes. There are TONS of DR sessions that we don't see. He has told her tons of times that he talks about her.
DeleteCan someone post BBAD updates of them? Right now they are still sleeping and I am going to bed too. Thank you so much.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like Paul won HOH
ReplyDeleteShoot! Now I guess we just pray for either Nic or Corey to win veto to get them both to F3.
DeleteHow do u know Paul won hoh. Is it playing in BBAD
DeleteBut in the sense of knowing spoilers anyone who watches feeds knows who won what as soon as feeds are back so yeah they'd be right everytime if that makes sense
DeleteIt is all over twitter. And account what gave spoiler always is right. So everyone belives it. Even nicorey fans too
ReplyDeleteBut how do you know if it wasn't shown yet but if Paul did win HOH I'm not too worried because as long as Corey or Nicole win veto then James would go home since let's say if Corey won veto then he would be off the block and then he would be the only one voting and he won't vote out Nicole
ReplyDeleteRight! Power is with the veto holder. No worries until then.
DeleteDid anyone else notice Sunday when James was talking about them missing eachittee that Corey said something about snap chatting her and she said eww snapchat. Corey then said stop trying to be tough.
ReplyDeleteI noticed that.
DeleteR we 100 percent that Twitter is correct. I was trying to look up and found some stuff but is this a reliable source.
DeleteDid anyone here watch BBAD? According to Twitter, Corey was in an awful mood and wouldn't talk to Nicole. The episode was pre-recorded yesterday morning right after feeds cut off, and I know people were speculating something was off between them before going to sleep. I wasn't sure if someone watched and could give their take because I know people on Twitter like to exaggerate about Corey's behavior towards Nicole...
ReplyDeleteWhen Corey is anxious, he gets in his head and zones out. Corey said he is really worried about getting to F3. Imagine being so close.
DeleteTotally agree he does that - which is completely understandable under all this stress and pressure - but Twitter made it seem like he was pissed/annoyed at Nicole and even left her in the kitchen to be alone upstairs. They made it seem like he was not just distant and anxious, but angry so I was looking to see if anyone here had actually watched.
DeleteI totally think it is a combination of stress of the game and stress of the end coming and unknown future, etc.
DeleteYes, I was reading about that as well. I am nervous.
ReplyDeleteMy stomach is in knots...the emotion of the game is hard enough to deal with.....let alone worrying about someone you care about too. I don't think their angst is all game related though. Its almost over and they haven't talked about what happens next...clearly, that's weighing on them
ReplyDeleteI'm just starting to watch. And the first few minutes of them rising is frosty. She appears to be making breakfast for them and says hello and he says nothing.
ReplyDeleteI watched , not much footage honestly. When it started they were still in bed , Corey had moved to the same end of the bed as her but they were not touching. Nicole was called to the DR so she went downstairs and got ready and started breakfast. Corey came down shortly after and started cleaning the kitchen right away , neither were really talking . Corey finished cooking after Nicole got called back to the DR. There wasn't much talking during eating except Nicole did ask if he thought she would win in final 2 with James he seemed a little annoyed about her asking that and things did seem off with them. She decided to take playdough up to the HOH after eating to study with and told him he should too and he reminded her that he couldn't play HOH and she reminded him there was still veto to worry about. Corey went upstairs a few mins after Nicole , got in bed and started listening to Music. Nicole asked him what was wrong which he replied with nothing and she told him to stop lying a little back and forth with that. A few mins later she crawled in bed with him and was cuddling him , he was a little hesitant at first but did eventually start rubbing her back. A little back in forth of be nice , Nicole told him she showers him with love , cooking, compliments and that she try's to kiss him he smiles agrees but doesn't say much else. She comments only 9 more days. After this she goes back to playing with the playdough and he goes back to music , she starts to protest when he goes to put the headphones on and he asks if she wanted to talk she says no with a smile. Corey did seem a little off but didn't seem angry to me , maybe just a little worried.
ReplyDeleteI think it's just a stressful situation for the both of them. I think the stress of the game and the fact that it is almost over it weighing heavy on both of them. I have faith that they are fine.
DeleteHe said one time when he was a HN that he needs touch when he is down. That's probably just what he needs. Praying for POV win otherwise I think Nicole will be evicted. James and Paul don't want to battle her in endurance. I don't think I can handle the last days being all nasty bro talk either. :(
DeleteMy anxiety is too much.
ReplyDeleteI really hope the rumors are false but if they are true I pray Nicole or Corey win this veto!!!!
ReplyDeletetheres a good chance nicole and corey win veto they got this!
ReplyDeleteGuys only a couple hours left! we can do this lol
Thanks for the update BBfan! I'm so glad I'm not the only one so worried about these 2. We need some bb xanex for our group. I was worried about them yesterday morning but then felt better. Now worried again. But I really think that Corey is just totally freaked out at this point about the game. Nic seems much calmer. I can't imagine the stress that they are feeling so it's understandable if there is tent ion between them.
ReplyDeleteIt's been about three days for them being off except for snippets here and there. It's certainly a stressful situation. I just wish they'd cut all the mess out of it. I'm going to stick with I think that there's some trust issues about whose taking who
DeleteBut for now I will hang onto the little smiles here and there. Here's hoping the tonight show brings us 1,000,000,000% comfort.
DeleteHope so too! Think you're right about the trust issues.
DeleteI just watched BBAD. To me he seems like he is in one of those moods that he zones out. She kept asking what was wrong and he say nothing with a small smile. He held it for awhile. Nic got up and he said,don'tyou pwant to talk and she smiled and said no. He was baiting her and he had smile on his face too. I really think he is in one those pouting moods and she knows and won't give into it. We have seen this many times where he will then try and fix it. Those are my thoughts. Her smile in the end exactly what he was doing.
ReplyDeleteWho wouldn't be stressed out. Being involved "MORE THAN A SHOWROMANCE" and trying to win 500k against that person who you care about. I think I would go hide in a corner and cry
ReplyDeleteSo true
DeleteHoping and praying for a Nicole/Corey veto win! I so want these two to make it to the end!
ReplyDeleteI believe Corey thinks he will be the one evicted if they don't win POV. The flip side is Nicole getting evicted just days after Victor. I imagine that would weigh heavy on his mind as well.
ReplyDeleteJames won't want to battle Nicole in endurance and Paul won't want to battle Nicole in mental. I think Corey will be F3 regardless. If Nicorey doesn't win POV and Nicole leaves, I may not be able to handle a week of "bro" talk. :(
ReplyDeleteVeto should have been played by now, right?? If Nic or Corey win veto they are golden. Then we could have a Paul,Nic and Corey final 3.
ReplyDeleteVic actually used to be the worst with the bro talk, I would hope it wouldn't be so bad with these 3... in fact James even would probably try to talk with Corey about how he misses Nicole, etc!
DeleteBut for now, positive vibes... I don't want anything other than a Nicorey F2!
I think veto could be played live on Wednesday episode with eviction right after it since the Veto holder essentially is picking who to take to F3.
DeleteNo final 4 veto is complex and usually a web. You have clues and then need to match it with the face of a hg.
DeleteThis may be a dumb question but I'm not sure in this. For tonight's episode is it eviction then hoh. Then will we see the feeds back up to know abt pov? Then tomorrow episode will cover pov? If they've already done pov comp it may be leaked like the hoh. I'm freaking out, can you tell lol
ReplyDeleteI think tonight is eviction HoH and noms then tomorrow's episode is pov and eviction. We should find out who won pov tonight when feeds are back. I'm freaking out too I'm so nervous!!!
DeleteHOH was hosted by Julie, probably a quiz of some kind, before and after or quotes. So there was an audience, hence the leak. The POV will be later today, in the afternoon, and only production will know, so no spoilers. The feeds return 12am EST or 9pm PST, we will know the results based on their moods.
DeleteI'm on east coast. I'll def be staying up to watch ugh
DeleteI am so nervous today it is hard to function. I need help. Lol
ReplyDeleteIkr, I have to be focused at work so it's really hard!!! We're in this together. Anyone else u talk to about it thinks I'm crazy lol
DeleteI live in Canada and can't access live feeds so i am forever thankful for this site. I am constantly refreshing my browser
Deletefor new updates. I'm more focused on updates verses actually working lol. I don't think I've ever been more nervous about anything in my life. They need to pull through!!!
I'm so obsessed that Im constantly refreshing this blog and live feeds. I can't wait to go home and watch bbad. Will have somewhat I a fix before show. Seriously freaking out since one of them could be going home tomorrow and I'm so worried about how things will be left between then. Plus I really want them to be f2 and win this thing.
DeleteWho wouldn't be stressed out. Being involved "MORE THAN A SHOWROMANCE" and trying to win 500k against that person who you care about. I think I would go hide in a corner and cry
ReplyDeleteI hear ya. I woke up so early this morning just so I can watch last nights
ReplyDeleteBBAD. I'm having such anxiety I want them to be final two and take home the title.
Hearing about how awkward BBAD was and the tension between Nicorey made my anxiety about the current situation worse. I just want to know they are okay.
DeleteIt was a bit awkward not gonna lie but I think it's the stress of everything game and relationship. I want these two to be together so bad it's a little ridiculous lol.
DeleteOn bbad was the cuddling forced by Corey?
DeleteMeaning that he did it but didn't look like he wanted to?
DeleteI agree about it being a super stressful situation. Heck, I'm married and if I was even in that situation with my HUSBAND, I'd be stressed. Wouldn't doubt that we'd even bicker/get annoyed/etc.
DeleteCorey is the one the other day who commented on the stuff Vic says to Nicole stating "If Nicole and I have a thing after this" or something along those lines (same time he almost called her his girl/girlfriend). It's obviously on their minds. I do think they want to try to be together. They both have their moments where they try to be "tough", but you can't deny their connection. Just watch the feeds from 8/31.
When you're trying to win 500,000 AND define a relationship, like EB said, that's going to be SUPER stressful.
I know I caught him catching himself from labelling their relationship. It was actually very cute. I agree with you on not being able to hide or lie about their feelings for one another and you can tell that its weighing heavy on both their minds. It definitely doesn't help that they're both very competitive and have the end goal of winning it all on the mind also. They need to have a serious conversation after the show is over and there's no more interruptions and interferences.
DeleteI think they will have more interruptions and interferences once they are out the house, bc so many people will be giving their opinions and such! I just hope they are able to discuss it the 2 of them and hash it all out without outside influences!
DeleteIf they are truly meant to be though, I would think the interferences won't matter, at least I hope!
Very true, however I was thinking like when they get out of the BB house that night or the next day before everyone starts trying to get their opinions in.
DeleteYes if they are meant to be they will overcome anything that comes their way. I'm just hoping that can make it work because they are just perfect together. :)
8/31 7:07 pm in the kitchen when she pulled at his shirt is my favorite Nicorey moment. Corey was the sweetest comforting her and making sure her feelings weren't hurt.
ReplyDeleteMe too, soooo cute :)
DeleteYes, one of my favorite moments as well, he is a really caring guy.
DeleteThis moment is definitely in my top 5. My #1 moment is when they were in Tokyo and Nic was complaining about Paulie trying to take "her" spot. The look on Corey's face and him saying "our spot" wrecked me. ❤️❤️
ReplyDeleteMy heart melted when he said that. It was so sincere.
DeleteDid Corey do his hoh blog yet? Someone in Twitter is saying that he gave a shout out to the future Mrs. Brooks
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen any HOH blog yet.
DeleteI'm sure it's just Twitter lies as usual
DeleteI remember him giving a shout out to the future Mrs.Brooks back when Paulie was still in the house.
DeleteThat shoutout was for that girl Shayne though. :(
DeleteTo be fair that was still in the early Nicorey stages, before he realized how in love he is with Nicole :)
DeleteThe funny thing is that he's done that several times. For someone who isn't interested in getting married anytime soon he sure does mention it a lot. :)
ReplyDeleteCheck out Corey's reaction to Paul calling Nicole a bitch and this was very early in the season, 6/24:
I saw that when it happened that night, I thought to myself then he likes her.
DeleteHe recently told her he had a crush on her day 2. But this is extreme like to want to punch a guy for her.
DeleteWoah that's awesome thanks for sharing
DeleteAnd also keep in mind he almost went on the Bachelor. But ended up passing since he knew Jo Jo well. Him saying he is not ready to be in a realtionship may be all talk.
ReplyDeleteAnyone still wondering about the secret he wanted to tell her? He said he would tell her off the feeds. Some people say he was joking but it was too serious of a talk that night in the bed.
I honestly think he was joking. Two minutes before that, he told her he was Zack's cousin.
DeleteI didn't know he was going to go on the Bachelor. This is what happens when you don't have live feeds :(
DeleteIt was only to promote his app tho
DeleteAm I the only one having a panic attack not knowing whats going on with them???? are they safe? are they still smitten with each other?
ReplyDeleteI'm embarrassed to admit it but I've literally had a stomach ache all day thinking about it.
DeleteNo need to be embarrassed I'm right there with you!
DeleteI've had anxiety all day! Lol
DeleteI'm dying. And if I didn't have to get 3 kids to school in the morning is seriously consider staying up all night watching the feeds!
DeleteI have anxiety that they did not win pov and one of them has to go.
ReplyDeleteI have anxiety that they did not win pov and one of them has to go.
ReplyDeleteWe must not think like that. Happy positive thoughts.
DeleteNew video on YouTube: Nicorey Kiss by kiss
Thanks for finding these. They keep my nicorey withdrawals to a minimum :)
DeleteHere is another good one, in a group setting, they are doing dating scenarios, ring a bell, just look at Corey's (even Paulie's) reaction to all of Nicole's answers. He is just loving all of her answers. This is really early on, July 5th:
He's thinking that's WIFEY right there!!!lol
DeleteI love how he's only interested in Nicole's answers, poor nat tried to be noticed
DeleteHere is wifey material:
usernamejax1: I absolutely loved Davonne in that moment. She spoke truth right there!!!
DeleteThe only comfort I get about the situation between them is this blog. I'm so glad in not alone freaking out. To pass the time, everyone share their favorite nicorey moment
ReplyDeleteDid you notice our girl Nicole is not playing with Plato she's made a big sheet of red Plato and is using a fork to write notes into it? That is her study session. The little ball she's Makin with all the other colors is decoy
ReplyDeleteI had a chance to watch more closely on the pop show. These two seem fine but stressed. The casual viewers probably have no idea on how to pick up on some of their code words like what's up, be nice, etc. I think Cory was a bit peeved on a couple of the question she asked about F2. And I also think that he may be a little put off by her lack of kissing lately and I think that's why she's making the jokes about I really wanted to kiss you. Because if you look at last night she would not meet him halfway. When they are snuggling in bed around the two hour 48 minute mark and she rolls over I think his hand was somewhere she didn't want it to be and that's when she told him to be nice or he said you're mean and we all know that's a cutesy way of their talk. I think maybe she's done with some of the hot and heavy stuff on feeds now that they're so close to getting out. They both had little smirks and inside jokes that are a big part of their relationship. Are they stressed absolutely and if you look at some of the tribute videos based on what Cory's face looks like then and now he is just tuckered out. I love the conversation they had about two hours 15 minutes when she asked if his parents were competitive and he said oh yes and she said both of them and he said yes. He went on to say oh yeah they get into fights about stuff. Well they both giggled and it sure sounds like them. I'm much more comfortable and thinking they're on the same page from a personal perspective but they're just putting on their game faces. The casuals on Twitter don't watch them maybe as closely as we do so may not pick up on that. But as far as I'm concerned they were ready to go to battle
ReplyDeleteI think what we're seeing from yesterday morning all started with being competitive with card game Sunday night. Then like you said she may have turned down his advances bc he clearly rolls over frustrated after they both say their not tired. He goes to the opposite side of bed, can't sleep and finally asks if she's mad at him. She says no but that doesn't answer the reason why he thinks she is, only makes him more confused to why she turned him down. Then in the morning he's quiet. He asks how she slept, both not good. Then she goes into how she treats him good, gives him care, LOVE, compliments etc, then says that she tries to kiss him (Nic smirks) there's clearly meaning behind her saying that. She asks abt his parents being competive, he has huge smile on his face. She goes to shave her legs, when done notice he doesn't have the headphones on but waiting for her to come back to him in bed. His face says it all, he even asks if she wants to talk. But at that point I think she's over it. The game is weighing on him, her f2 comment but I think it's also confusion about her. Nic has been making more comments about ralatuinships and how well they know each other and pointing out that in the real world it would take a year to get to where they are. I agree that she's probably over the hot and heavy on camera and wants to wait, but even in the real world a girl would be over that until it's a legit relationship. She may be pulling back bc of that and she should.
DeleteFavorite Nicorey moment: The night they are hanging out with Paulie and Z, and Corey is being very cuddly. Then he whispers something in her ear, and his this flirtatious look/smile on his face, and that was the moment I knew he was super into her. His face just lit up. I felt like if he didn't like her, then I couldn't read people. So glad I was right about these two!
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite moments is when they're on the Hamic and people are taunting them to give me a kiss. And he kisses her several times on her head. And I also love when he pulls her to him. That hug on the Hamic a couple of nights ago when they weren't being too flirtatious because of stress and the way that he hugged her was pretty amazing. Even the cameraman zoomed in on Cory's hands on her back.
ReplyDeleteSeveral weeks ago in Tokyo Nicole was full of herself going on about when she knew that he had a crush on her, d you know what moment she was referring too. That was a cute moment when she was being all cocky about him.
ReplyDeleteSweetest Nicorey moment was them sitting on the lounge chair, he is nibbling on her elbow and tells he thinks she is the sweetest girl on the planet. Nicole being Nicole tells him not the sweetest but she will take top 10.
ReplyDeleteBut personally I loved watching their domino matches because they would get so competitive and it's first time you see this part of them and they are exactly the same. If he loses he is fuming, flip the coin and it's the same with her. And the trash talk was hilarious because it would just fuel the other. It was so much fun to watch. Later on they would just tackle each when they lost. If they were alone in the outside world, you know they would be making out. These have some of the most sexual chemistry I have seen in a showmance and you can tell they have a difficult time containing it in the house.
I know that this isn't a sweet moment but a while back when they were both in their unitards laying in bed and she being oblivious sometimes places her safety hat on his crotch, his laugh when they realize where the hat was the most genuine deep belly laugh I have heard from him yet.
ReplyDeleteI also just love how passionate he is with her, from the little kisses on the neck and forehead to the back and shoulder rubs he gives her, and her with him from the head massages to always having to touch each other. But my all time favourite with these two is the hand holding as they fall asleep in each others arms.
ReplyDeleteI swear I'm not weird just obsessed lol
Another sweet moment is when he signs cute, sweet, beautiful to her in the kitchen. She's wearing her safety unitard and is going on about candy and suckers and asking him what kind he likes and he's barely answering her, just staring at her with an amazed smile on his face when he suddenly signs to her. The look on her face when he explains what he is signing is so sweet too.
ReplyDeleteApril --Bingo! I love this moment.
DeleteI also kind of like the lusty love he has in his eyes when he watches her run the backyard the other day.
There are a gazillion moments in the last 90+ days were love blossoms and chemistry zings through them.
What about the night he massages her face with his fingers. Goodness- swoon.
It's so funny how invested I feel in these two! I just pray and hope things work out for them out of the house. What am I gonna do every day wondering what's going on with them???
ReplyDeleteAnyone else had enough of the negative comments about Nicorey on all the Facebook nb pages? How can anyone look at them and not see how much they both care about each other? It's so obvious. You can't fake the attraction that's between them. You just can't. Corey is happiest when he's with Nicole and vice versa. Why can't everyone see that???
ReplyDeleteI can honestly say that this blog is the only place I go to read and post my thoughts. I can't stand how much they're being hated on for what really?!?!
DeleteThis blog is my Nicorey sanctuary!!!
I totally agree. Mine too!
Deletei think its the edit that they are getting from the show it sucks cause corey never says anything romantically so people assume he doesnt care for her
DeleteI agree. I've been an on again off again be fan for years but have only had live feeds for the last few years. It's a completely different show imo. It's so hard to read all the hate on twitter and joker's etc.
DeleteIt's people that watch live feeds too and that bugs me even more. How they don't see what we do is beyond me. Unfortunately, that will keep Nic hidden from social media so we as her fans won't know what's going on between nicorey. Hoping Corey will fill us in.
DeleteYeah. That's true.
DeleteI have no idea how peeps do not know they are invested in each other.
DeleteNic posted some stuff on her social media with Hayden. She went dark when the broke off. Her mom also is a big poster. Corey will post the mess out of stuf if they are together.
The funny thing is to watch something happen then read an account that was the complete opposite of what actually happened! The only thing that was focused on was the teasing they do and relating it like it was serious talk. And no mentions of the sweet stares or the inability to keep their hands off one another. I don't see how these things are missed.
DeleteHopefully, on Fridays look back show we'll get some of their cuter moments since now CBS can put aside the Nat/James showmance since they didn't make it as far. Anyway, that's what I'm hoping for.
DeleteI'm seriously stressed over a tv show guys...this is not okay. I need to know what's happening!
ReplyDeleteSame. I'm dying here not knowing. ☹️
DeleteWe are of our rockers. But as I tell my husband people get obsessed over roles actors play so might as well be this over real life peeps.
DeleteAmen DMH2B
DeleteAlmost time! I'm dying of suspense!!!
ReplyDeleteI love what Corey said about his comic, it had 2 of his favorite things mistletoe and Nicole! :)
ReplyDeleteSo cute! But why do they intentionally try to make him look so dumb???
Deleteoh it pisses me off how they edit him :(
DeleteBut at least we have the producers saying nicorey. THey just need to show its real.
Pauls speech was epic for the veto meeting.
Jokers update has it all narrated
I bet they couldn't have gotten away with the edit if he wasn't encouraged to not take his medicine. This edit fell into their laps with Corey's lack of focus/distractibility at times due to his ADD/ADHD. Plus he's a big kid at times, completely goofy. It should have been charming and sweet but BB decided to make a joke out of it.
DeleteI really hope that they're wrong and Paul didn't win the HOH and I also really hope that they got the POV and that they're going to F2
ReplyDeleteI had to turn it off. :( But honestly, they need the veto more than the hoh.
DeleteUgh that was so close! Nicole was so upset. She almost had it :(
ReplyDeleteNic has been raking herself over the coals since that HOH moment. I think we can all agree on that.
Yea but I will say though Paul's reaction to winning HOH knowing that he is going to F3 was emotional
DeleteShe's so stressed. They're both gonna be. Will we know when the feeds come on who won veto? It has to be one of them!
DeleteYes veto should have already been played when feeds return
Deleteyeah it was emotional happy for paul but sucks at the same time for nicorey cause he is very smart
Deleteand i bet last night nicole was kicking herself for it which probably wasnt a good night hoping she studied and got energy to win today
Paul is a great player. I think that proves NIc's concerns. I don't think Vic would have beat her on that one or face morph. But if a wall comp is at the end Paul most likely wont win that.
DeleteDying inside waiting for he feeds to come back to find out what happened with veto!
ReplyDeletePeeps with live feeds please let those of us without feeds know the moment you know who won the veto because currently I am literally losing my mind not knowing
ReplyDeleteDo y'al think it was face morph for this veto?? I wish they were not so predictable with the comps.
ReplyDeleteLast season the final veto was days!
DeleteI would say it's more likely to be days but you never know! I just hope all of Nicole's studying has paid off!
DeleteI need sleep! Do I go now and set my alarm for when the feeds come back? Do I go to bed and try to sleep all night? I don't know what to do!!!!
ReplyDeleteThat's what I'm trying to decide. Have to be up for work early. Being on the east coast sucks right now
DeleteI cannot go to sleep without knowing so I'm gonna try to stay up! Hopefully we come back to good news!
DeleteI am so conflicted! My youngest was up a couple times last night so I'm exhausted. Think I'll head to bed and see what happens. I'll probably end up rolling over and checking the time and my phone 100 times! Someone post here when they know who won the veto! And how Nicole and Corey seem to be doing. Ahh the stress!!!
DeleteI'm east coast too. Luckily don't work. My hubs works third shift so I've adopted the third shift schedule. Lol
ReplyDeleteSo "Spoilers" if you haven't seen tonight's episode. Victor went home & Paul won HoH. Nicole was only off on the last question. Im scared for Nicorey right now. Nic must win Veto to survive I think. Poor thing she is beating herself up. I think Paul will put Nicorey on the block since they put up Vaul & went against the F4 deal.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure Nic and Corey are nominated. Either one could win veto and make it to final three. One of them would have the task of votin out James though since he would be replacement nominee. I'm sure neither of them would look forward to that.
DeleteDoes anyone think it's funny that Paul said Corey hasn't even gotten to first base with Nicole? I'm surprised these people really think they've never kissed after all the obvious sexual tension between the both of them ha
ReplyDeleteMy daughter (16) who doesn't watch live feeds, looked at me when Paul said that and she just died laughing. Lol
DeleteLol they'll be in for a big surprise
DeleteFor sure.
Deleteactually dont want them to know how far they"ve gone cause thats only for them to know ahahah suck for social media tho
DeleteDoes anyone know when feeds are back?
ReplyDeleteabout 2 more hours and 15 minutes when west coast finish aring
DeleteThere's conflicting reports. Either 9pm BB time or 10 BB time.