Wednesday, September 7, 2016


12:12 am 1/2- Snuggling sesh
12:19 am 3/4- Someone yells with a megaphone outside "James Nicole pregame alliance." Feeds go down. Could be really bad for Nic.
12:48 am 1/2- Feeds come back, they're talking about how Nat is being a brat to James.
1:03 am 1/2- Nic tells Victor to get out of her spot. (Go Nic!!)
Nic is over these boys and their conversations. haha

1:47 am 1/2- Cuddle sesh
2:41 am 1/2- They can't sleep. Nic asks what he's thinking about, he keeps saying "You."
2:46 am 1/2- Corey- "You love me."
2:49 am 1/2- Corey- "Two seconds later and I'm the world's greatest. Damnit." hahahahaah
2:58 am 1/2- Corey has the cutest laugh ever, then wrestling.
3:05 am 1/2- Sharing a cold pack hahaha
5:04 am 1/2- Corey sleep talking lol
9:03 am 3/4- Morning snuggles
9:05 am 3/4- Nicole- "Corey stop. Go to bed." 2 seconds later... "Corey come cuddle me." lol
9:06 am 3/4- Corey looking for morning friendship. lol
12:18 pm 3/4- Snuggling, Nic says Corey couldn't bug her if he tried.
12:29 pm 3/4- Corey just wants to snuggle all day.
1:01 pm 1/2- Corey- "What if we get married, Nicole?" Nicole- "Ehh.. no." haha. Always playing hard to get.
Family breakfast... haha

1:30 pm 1/2- Corey/Taylor Swift/Nicole talk lol
2:15 pm 1/2- Corey upset that Nicole doesn't think they're "fate." Everyone swoons.....
2:32 pm 1/2- Cute hug
3:41 pm 1/2- Nic comes out of DR, the room lights up. haha
5:33 pm 1/2- Snuggling
8:05 pm 3/4- Nic stares at Corey. And then tells him she can't stop staring. Corey- "Wanna make out?" haha
10:30 pm 3/4- Eyebrows!
11:01 pm 3/4- Snuggling

Photos from the episode....

11:48 pm 3/4- Snuggling, Corey scratching Nic's back
11:53 pm 1/2- Corey asking Nicole if she has a final 2 with James.


  1. I'm addicted to this blog, thanks for all the work (from a huge BB-fan who's living in Europe)

  2. Yes, thanks for the blog. Super fun. Appreciate the positive spin. 😊

  3. Love this blog. There's so much negativity about these two on any of he feeds that I try to stay away. I love watching them together! And I love being able to come here for some positivity!

  4. People from the outside always try to ruin the game. People r just cruel about the HGS that play this game.

  5. why people yell over the fence? That has nothing to do with the Game! That is a game of strategy and how people are interact with each other.

  6. I love when Paul calls Vic out ... get out of her bed dont be a D. When Vic is laying in Nic's spot.

    111 Corey clearly trying to comfort Nic.She's not taking the bite

  7. As much as I needed to go to sleep last night, I couldn't turn off the feeds! Did anyone else watch until c&n fall asleep at 3:30?

    1. I forced myself to shut it off at 1130. And look what I miss 😜

    2. Are you talking about the play fighting or whatever you can call that!! I was dying laughing! They were so funny!

    3. Yes I couldn't stop laughing. Was so funny since nat and James were so serious on other side of the wall

  8. Omg, enjoy lol I feel sorry for anyone wo live feeds. They were hysterical around 3 having a wrestling match. Then sharing an ice pack to cool them down.

    1. The wrestling match was the funniest. She is so dang fiesty and I think its one of the things about her that corey really likes.
      I love that she was chippy as they were talking and he was not taking the bait. The wrestling match exactly what they needed since that is safe for cameras.
      i agree with nic that I was surprised that BB let it go on but I think they knew it was mutual.

  9. any one know if he says u love me?

    1. I don't remember the time stamp but yeah at one point he is saying you love me, and she is saying she hates him, she ends up settling with "I just think you are cool"

    2. I am convinced that they have talked about that before, (must have been off camera) when she says I think you're cool that's just about it, he says you're literally mad at me over that. I think that convo is play banter after those words have been said. Since the night they were off camera it's been diff. They make comments abt the red light being on. And last night talking abt jealousy over mat flirting, she wasn't jealous bc she feels secure imo. She just doesn't like mat even trying.

    3. What I think is funny that she seemed oblivious when he said it was the same situation with her and Vic.... Does she really not see it??? I know yesterday or the day before she made a comment to him that she thinks Vic really likes her and she doesn't seem comfortable with that, but then she lets him hang all over her and stuff! I really don't know how they have not said anything at this point to him, as he keeps getting more ballsy each day!

    4. At some moments I almost feel like Victor is just doing it to get a reaction from Corey...

    5. Oh he does do it for a reaction but I think more from Nic and then dig Corey at the same time.

      Her saying "I think Vic likes me" was more of a convo opener. As someone said yesterday they both know she does not like vic and they both know they are bothered at what vic does to nic. It was a very round about way of putting their feelings out there without revealing too much to cameras.

  10. 924a -When he literally can't get enough of her. Cooorey. (warning

    1. Corey's been trying hard for "morning friendship" she's not having it with the lights on

    2. for sure!

      504 Corey wakes them both up talking to himself. No idea what.

  11. So how many of us are mad about the headboard always being over corey's face?
    That designer should be fired :)

    1. Yea and what's up with the knife lol

    2. Paul always leaves dishes and crap on that headboard.
      I can't believe producers didn't come cut that thing down on the first lockdown begin of season.

  12. Corey is tall but he always makes sure to scoot all the way up

  13. 303 that released some (sexual???) tension- says nic.

    1. thats what i was trying to figuere out what she was saying

  14. actually anyone know what they say around 2:04 am their whispering cant understand them

    1. Been trying to figure it out. I asked above if he is saying I love I love you. Rapidly.

  15. Noon - He comes back from DR. Crawls into bed. Cuddles on her. N-You only have the option for 14 more days of cuddling. (I was sending telepathic notes to him to respond with something!)
    C-Flirty - Oh I only have the option. Laughs.
    I am guessing it has been on her mind all night.
    Back to sleepyville they go for now.

    1. Corey brought up the convo to the boys at the kitchen table while the Nic was at the sink.
      Vic's face!
      Nic says Corey took it wrong.

      What about when Corey asked if he married both Taylor Swift and Nic together. WHAT??

    2. I think he's trying to see if she'd be jealous, didn't work. She said something abt being happy for him (like as a friend) lol I love it

  16. I love how Nicole calls Corey Ding Dong sometimes

  17. Vic just got jealous! Cutest N&C hug. She sits on his lap and he says I like this and won't let her get up

    1. haha just right after she hugged him she went to corey poor vic

    2. Corey is quite the catch today: Hugs for days, Marriage, Fate, hmmm <3

  18. Jokers posted this convo from 903am. Is this what you guys heard too:
    9:03 AM Nicole/Corey - report Update
    Cam 3/4 switch to Nicole/Corey in TBR bed. In middle of cuddling & then onto game discussion.
    Nicole: Hey!
    Corey: What?
    Nicole: (Inaudible)
    Corey: Why?
    Nicole: (Inaudible)
    Corey: Why?
    Nicole: (Inaudible)
    Corey: Huh?
    Nicole: I don't know.
    Corey: Just for that?
    Nicole: No.
    Nicole: I've just gotta make sure.
    Corey: (Inaudible)
    Nicole: (Inaudible)
    Corey: (Inaudible)
    Nicole: Oh that's wierd - that explains. In front of everybody?
    Corey: Nooo.
    Nicole: (Inaudible) in front of everybody? Cuz I just didn't know yet what we should say.
    Corey: You're scared to play Big Brother - you're playing Big Baby.
    Nicole: No I'm not.
    Corey: You've got to make big moves brah. I'll throw everyone under the bus. I don't give a crap.
    Nicole: We need to win. Otherwise we're doomed.
    Corey: Quote of the year. "We need to win. Otherwise we're doomed." No way Nicole.
    Nicole: Corey, that's not even funny!
    Corey: No way Nicole!
    Nicole: Corey, that's not funny!
    Corey: Very dramatic!

    1. Corey: We need to win. Otherwise we're doomed.
      Nicole: Shut up!
      Corey: We need to win. Otherwise we lose.
      Nicole: Noooo! Otherwise we're going home.

  19. I hate when Nic leaves the room and convo gets weird abt after the show. Do y'all think Corey was uncomfortable that time.

    1. Who knows for sure but he certainly has been playing a number of roles this summer. I think he wants to hang with the boys after the show when he chats with them. But will it really happen? I think some of it is game but some of it is the meet and greets will be something he wants. He is def a guys guy.

    2. That Dallas thing is to support his app, that's why he makes the comments abt taking care of Paul when he comes.

    3. But at the same time his family seems to love Nicole. On Facebook his mom said during his time as a have not, she said something to the effect that Nicole just needs to be patient with him that he loves her, he is just moody and not himself.

  20. 458 playing texas holdem N-I might need to borrow some money (aka starburst) C- we go to vegas I slip you some under the table :)
    He gives her some starburst too .....swoon

  21. Big Brither tonight is a great edit for our power couple! They would love it ☺️

    1. Yea it worked out where they show her talking him up so much

    2. i wonder why nicole cried so much for james

    3. I think she just has a big heart. And genuinely likes James as a person.

  22. Eyebrow time. Good idea getting the chair Nic. Paul asked and OF COURSE Vic wants to go next. I will bet any amount of money he says he wants to lay his head in her lap.

  23. 632 Our girl takes a full look with both eyes on a freshly showered, toweled Cor in the hoh room.

    1. Even Paul seemed humored by the two of them. Though he and Vic dragged them a bit in the kitchen earlier - "just friends, riiiiighhhtt"

    2. The best way to put is is Dammmmnnn that is one fine looking corey. But she said it all with her eyes.
      He glances back at her and catches her. (He must have seen her in the mirrors staring at his booty)

  24. What time do they say "Just friends riiiiighhht" to them?

    1. Its between 6 and 630 as nic is heading down from hoh shower and corey is heading up

  25. 804 Oh mesmerized by this boy. Sometimes I stare at you and dont even hear you because your so cute.

  26. anyone notice how she keeps saying coreys the cutest out loud continuously like trying to send a message lol

  27. Time Stamp of when they are playing Go Fish? Heard there was a comment about visiting her in Ubly and flipping a Monopoly board?

  28. 1257p Nic pulls corey's athletic shorts down a bit to get a good luck at his undies. Tells him he should do a commercial for underwear. (while they are brushing their teeth...she is funny)

  29. Why did Corey ask Nicole "do you want to get married? "

    1. See above they had been talking about Taylor swift and Selena Gomez and marrying them. The whole house was.
      And then Corey says that to

  30. 9:59 = reaction of someone that cares.

    1. I went back and watched at 959. I must've missed something that happened earlier. And I noticed Paul saying something to Corey about making sure Nic was ok. What happened?

    2. Paul kept saying 2xs and Nicole thought that was a key word for an alliance.she said it didn't bother her but her mood did change. I think she's just exhausted they legit played cards for hours and I can't imagine how tiring it is to be around Paul and vi lector for hours!

    3. Paul says something about may be she's weirded out by something. They seem off now. What have I missed

    4. Ok she looks like somethings bothering her

    5. Now it's just her and Corey and she's fine. I think she just needed a break from Paul and vic

  31. Replies
    1. Paul & Vic insinuate Corey can't hang out cuz he has to go cuddle because of the fake final2 w/Paul talk (throughout the day they've been dropping comments trying to make Nicole mad and/or make Corey distance himself from her, smart strategy, they said they're trying to recreate the jatalie breakup basically). His reaction of "you think so, you think i'm in trouble" seemed genuine and counters their intent.

  32. Best bet is for Corey to win this HoH, put up vic and paul. Bc either way if one of them win veto, james would go up. They would make it to final four.

  33. Hey what's your guys input on big brother over the top aka the all new fall season of big brother where we get more control over the house and they will never go to Jeff/fish supposedly

    1. I didn't know that the fans will be able to participate more in the day to day interaction. Interesting. I am not sure how much I am going to watch. This season has monopolized my time. I may need to get back to a regular schedule. : )

  34. Anyone else having trouble using feeds this morning? I all black screen for cams and it won't let me use flashback or highlights? On both my devices.
    Anyone help?

    1. I am I am having trouble as well!

    2. Shooot! I want my flashbacks back. (Though it is making me a lot more productive this morning since they are not available to me!)

    3. I believe it is official that I am having withdrawls when I can't get feeds or flashbacks. UGH

  35. Nicole- I want to sit next to you or James just cause I love you guys. Corey- 100%. I really hope James wins tomorrow

    1. When did she say that part??? Right after midnight? I saw a part where it looked like Corey was questioning if she had a final 2 with James, but that was when I was having trouble with the flashbacks!
      Did Corey say if he believes that Nicole has a final 2 with James?

    2. No he let it go. They started talking abt his ex gf and feeds went to Jatalie just b4 12

    3. For sure they are going to use that. Makes me think why they are also on top of them lately.

  36. I'll be very limited with time to watch for the next few days. This blog will be imy life line!

  37. Hey
    Can someone write what happened last night after pbj time. On twitter looks like they had bed moment.but no one knows how finished

    1. Not sure because feeds weren't on them but at 327 she went to bathroom, changed bottoms, and went back to bed and he didn't seem asleep yet. Once she got back in bed she snuggled up to him and they went to bed.

  38. Why did she change her bottoms. Too hot maybe?

  39. I have a random question I'm hoping one of you can answer for me. I didn't watch feeds regularly until the beginning of July and I'm always wondering what the $2500 bet was about. I have literally watched every minute of footage on the blog and almost all of the footage from the old blog starting June 28 and I can't seem to find it. They've mentioned it a couple times and even last night one of them brought it up about her not being able to talk to him for 3 days and she lost. Do any of you have the time stamp of that bet?

    1. She bet Corey she wouldn't talk to him for like 3 days or something like that, and she lost in like 5 minutes! (The $2500 is from the ride the rocket competition were the freakizoids won the $10K prize and it was split between the 4 team members, they bet their portion of that prize money) Don't remember what day it was! She has lost every bet they have ever made! Haha

    2. Thanks! If someone else knows the date, let me know. :)

  40. When the feeds started, they made an agreement to have each other's back til final 3-4, somethings like that. They said they were going to be those friends that know what's up and they don't have to talk about it all the time.
