Tuesday, September 13, 2016


We knew it couldn't last forever. I just want to say thanks all for reading this blog and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I have. We'll have about 24 more hours with them together. I'm going to be posting a blog post that kinda documents their time together, so be on the lookout for that in the next few days. Thanks fam. #WeLoveNicorey

9:02 pm All- Feeds return. Paul is HOH and has also won Veto.
9:43 pm 3/4- Corey reaches for Nic's hand.
9:45 pm 3/4- Possible tear wiping by Corey. :(
10:06 pm 1/2- Nic- "I love Corey too."
10:11 pm 1- Corey out of the DR for a second, but going back in. Nic can tell he's been crying. :(
10:21 pm 3/4- Corey out of DR, has a Kleenex. Nic gives him a hug before he goes to talk to Paul. Paul tells him he'll probably be leaving the house.
10:46 pm 3/4- Corey back from DR again, Corey says he was crying over the thought of leaving her.
10:51 pm 3/4- "It's gonna be weird without you. It's gonna suck."
10:57 pm 3/4- "Play hard Nicole." I love Coach Corey.
10:58 pm 3/4- "Pray about it."
10:59 pm 3/4- "I'm gonna miss you." "I'm gonna miss you too."
11:10 pm 3/4- Talking about how they looked out for each other.
11:12 pm 3/4- "You deserve it, Nicole. You really do."
Nicole making him one last PB&J.
11:58 pm 1/2- Nic to herself- "I love that kid. I'm gonna bawl when that kid leaves."


  1. Thank you Nicole sooo much for this blog!!! Nicorey forever!! You made BB18 (to me) the most memorable BB season ever!!!

  2. Thank you on all your work. Sometimes I even don't open feeds. I just came here.

    1157 Corey face while watching Nicole making him PBJ
    1204 can someone tell me what Corey said about woman? I can't understand

    1. Paul said that is a fat PB&J. Corey said that is how I like my women..Nicole laughed and said you have said that twice in the last 2 days.

    2. Paul said that is a fat PB&J. Corey said that is how I like my women..Nicole laughed and said you have said that twice in the last 2 days.

    3. He usually says the word thick. Which often refers to a woman's big booty.

  3. Thank you Nicole sooo much for this blog!!! Nicorey forever!! You made BB18 (to me) the most memorable BB season ever!!!

  4. Thank you and bless you for all the work you have been doing on the most favorite couple we all want and supported with all our hearts. Can't wait for the last one you're gonna put up. We all just gonna hope and pray that Nicole is winning BB18 but even more we all want Nicole and Corey to be the couple we saw in the house. Let's all do what they did and we know it but sometimes forget: laugh, support, be kind, be selfless, be genuine, treat someone like you want them to treat you, protect and let the other one feel safe, but most of all LOVE the ones next to you and just tell them that you love them. Tell somebody today and always remember: what you give is what you get. Have a great, caring and loving day Nicorey-fans and love you all!

  5. Thanks for bringing us all together. And for all your time to keep us up to date.


    Here's hoping these two discover love like this comes around only once in a blue moon. 💖

  6. We dont have last night cam on them :(

  7. From what I've been able to watch off and on thru trying to get a couple hours of sleep, these 2 have had 1 of the best nights yet. I think they're in a very good place. Preparing for lots of tears tonight.

  8. 3:45ish they have wrap party talk.

    1. Starts out with her telling him she hopes he doesn't forget about her. Then she says she was wanting him to say that he wouldn't. He says he obviously won't forget her. She asks what he's going to do at wrap party with really pretty past hg's if they come on to him. Wants to know if he'll be making out with then in a corner. He said he wasn't interested in other girls. She told him point blank to let her know what to expect. He told her he wasn't interested in other girls. And he wouldn't do that. She asked how do you know if you haven't met them yet. She lets her gaurd down and he can see how worried she is. Then they get quiet and they fall asleep? I had to stop watching at that point.

      Anyone else watch this, please add or correct if I have something wrong from my take, been a few hours.

  9. Poor Nicole can't sleep for anything. She's wanting her goodbye message to be better but DR won't let her redo it. She plans to be really "gushy" about Corey in her speech tomorrow. They've been so sweet to one another tonight. Whoever ends up in jury plans to push hard for the other to win if in F2 (they've been told that Corey is leaving but I'm sure know how things can change). I think she's also worried about girls hitting (kissing) on Corey at the wrap party. I'm sure she saw it all after S16.

  10. I love how he express himself to her. The thought of leaving her is making him so emotional. This couple is going to make it outside bb house.

    1. How did he express himself? What did he say to her?

  11. One thing needs to be said--Nicole trusts Corey 100%. She has given him enough ammo (Paul wants her F2) tonight to bury her with James, the sole voter, tonight. IMO Corey won't use the info regardless. She even told him that she wouldn't be mad if he worked out a deal with James. He told her "no". I don't understand how anyone could spin it that these two don't care for one another. It's beyond obvious.

    1. I am looking at the footage from yesterday and I do not think he is mad at leaving but mad at the though if leaving nicole.

  12. I think he is upset about leaving Nicole also. Can't wait to see his face at the end of the show when he gets to see her again! I truly think he is not interested in any other girls like he tells her. I know they will be together after the show, they have really gotten close the last couple of weeks, it would be hard to let go of something like what they have. They are so Flippin cute together.

    1. I am so waiting for finale and when they meet again. :)

  13. Have they said they love each other? In the timestamps it looks like Nicole says I love you too. Does anyone know?

    1. That comment came during a conversation with Paul and Nic. Paul said "I love Corey" and Nic said "I love him too". But Corey was not present.

  14. I was wondering the same thing!!!!

    1. She told Paul. It wasn't a "in love" with him declaration to Paul but something did cross her face when she said it.

  15. No, at TS 10:06 Nicole was talking to Paul and Paul said that he loves Corey. She replied that she loves Corey too.

  16. No they haven't. She said that she really cares for him. And I think she says it to herself while making a pb&j for him. He is up on balcony watching her. I saw that on Twitter so I'm not sure since I didn't see myself.

    1. Twitter has it that she says I love that kid to herself.

    2. She did tell Corey at one point tonight " you know how I feel about you". Very telling.

    3. Saw the footage, she says I love that kid.

    4. Saw the footage, she says I love that kid.

    5. C&N also had some whispers last night that could not make out. And some cryptic convos. It shows that discussions took place between them.
      I feel good about how they are exiting the house. May they find peace and their love grow as they step into the real world.

    6. He also says You know what I feel/think about you.

  17. Based in many parts of last night/early morn discussion it seems as though they have spoken about their feelings. Must have been Monday night.

    There convos were pretty intense last night at times.

    But what says it all. Him looking at her from the HOH balcony.

    1. I know. After being so worried about them, I'm not today. Corey will stick to his word that he's not leaving in a relationship but imho they are both leaving totally in love. That will bring them back together. I have no doubt about that.

  18. I'm heartbroken that it didn't work out for them game-wise, however I have no doubt in my heart that these two will make it outside the house. I don't have feeds so I haven't seen all of the heart wrenching moments that you guys are talking about but when a grown man gets emotional not at the thought of losing a game but of leaving a girl, you know he's in love.

    I have enjoyed watching these two find each other and watched (along side everyone here) their relationship go from friendship to showmance to lets face it romance. I have only really loved one other BB couple Jeff and Jordan and look how wonderful that turned out.

    Also, Thank you to the wonderful person who created a place where us hardcore Nicorey fans could come together and talk about our feelings on their feelings for each other and our hopes for their future together.

  19. I'm finally watching AD from last night. I'm so devistated. Like seriously. It's heartbreaking.

  20. I would die for him to say "I love you" to her as he's leaving.

    1. I would LOVE for him to do that! we all know he does ;-)

    2. She definitely wouldn't say it first. Even if he just whispered it to her. I'd die!

  21. So we are sure there's NO way they're gonna get Paul to change his mind and put James up? Still hoping for a miracle!

    1. As much as we all want that, it would be stupid of paul to keep them both of them. But hey expect the unexpected right.

    2. 1000% true. It's not over till your talking to Julie.

  22. Anyone think James might go against Paul and vote out Nicole instead? I saw people on Twitter thinking he's gonna do that and idk. I kind of want Nicole to stay just bc I feel like she has a better shot at winning but I guess we will have to wait and see.

  23. James and paul know that they have no chance to win against corey

  24. James and paul know that they have no chance to win against corey

  25. Just thinking about the hot tub convo with Vic and how Corey said he didn't want Nicole to cling to him at the wrap party. But given how he gravitates to her and with a week of being away from her, I bet he's the clinger more so than her! Especially with her asking him last night about what he's going to do when other BB HG girls are flirting him and he said he wasn't interested.

    1. Julie, that is exactly what I was thinking. Despite his bro talk with Vic..he will have really been missing her and will be constantly looking for her at the wrap party. Especially if he knowz she has learned about the hot tub convo. Can def see him being the "clingy" one.

    2. Yes! Now Vic has told the media about the hot tub convo so I am sure Vic will tell her. He's so jealous of them.

  26. i havent watched last night did corey give her any reassurance of whats to happen outside the house?

    1. They really only had that convo about past BB girls wanting to kiss him at the after parties and if he was going to so Nicole can know how to prepare herself and he told her no, he wasn't interested and "you have nothing to worry about, Nicole"

    2. He was very sincere in his comments back and there was not tit for tat. I think his response was comforting. It also appeared from this convo that they had talked about it before.
      They also had a convo about how he would respond to Julie's questions on stage. I can't find the narrative but it was a good convo.

  27. Victor is such a jerk. He told the media that Corey does not want a relationship with Nicole and he is going to break little Nicole's heart. How is this any of his business to declare to the media.

    1. Also, with Vic's edit (which he does not know about) will make his type of comment moot. He will come off as jilted.

  28. He was so bitter that Nic and Corey had the nerve to put him up. That's awful. Just gonna end up making himself look bad

  29. Super jealous of Nicole and Corey. He is no fool and can see all the affection these two have for each other. I know Corey will set him straight. Remember when Corey got so made at Paul for calling Nicole a bad name. If i were Vic I would worry.

    1. Is it bad that I kinda want to see Corey set Victor straight? Lol

    2. In many of Corey's stories, he is known to throw fists. Would not be surprised if we see Victor at the wrap party with a black eye or wearing shades.

  30. What did Corey say his feelings for Nicole are?

    1. Nicole asks Corey how much he is going to miss her from 1 to 10 he says 12 she say from 1 to 10 and be realistic he say 9.5

      Corey says he was crying because of his goodbye message not because he thought she was going but because he is leaving her #BB18

      Nicole- You know you carried me on your back. Corey- We have done a lot for each other

      Corey- You picked the best partner ever on Day 1. Nicole- I did

      Corey- You deserve it. Nicole- You know I dont. What have I done? Corey- A lot of things. You are just you

      Nic "Our last PB & Js"
      Corey "I want to savour it"

  31. Does matter what Victor says. It's what Corey tell Nicole!!!!

  32. I Meant to say.....Does not mater what Vic!!!

  33. A really sweet moment was when Nicole asked Corey: did we just become best friends? Corey: Yup. And they gave each other this big hug and wouldn't let go for a while.

    I wonder if best friend is code.

  34. At first I didn't think it was a big deal what victor said but then I think he should of handled it differently because it's not his place to talk he could of said Corey has said he doesn't want a relationship however idk what they feel think about each other and left it at that

  35. This is from last night about his goodbye message

  36. I am literally bawling I could not concentrate at school:( I know they are gonna work outside house BC they are meant for each other

  37. Absolutely loved that he called Nicole his Girl. His speech was so cute as was hers even though she was nerves as hell.
    These two are just ridiculously adorable. I'm gonna miss watching them so bad,I'm not going to know what to do with myself.

    Nicole for the win!!!!
