Friday, September 2, 2016


First and foremost this is a Nicorey FAN site. It's supposed to be a fun place where you guys can come to see when fun things happen. We're all about POSITIVITY here. I understand wanting to discuss things but the negativity is not necessary. Play nice and I won't have to delete comments. Thanks guys. Love you all for checking out the blog.

12:09 am All- Playing dominoes
2:41 am 1/2- Snuggling in Tokyo.
3:40 am 1/2- Corey pinches Nicole's butt and goes "That looks nice..... The slop" haha
4:10 am 1/2- Nic talking about what she would tell Michelle if she asked what her biggest game move was.
7:34 am 1/2- Corey talking in his sleep. Really trying to get Harry Potter right. AHAHAHAH
1:55 pm 3/4- Corey asking if Final Four thinks they have met the person they're going to marry.
Random production mistakes
4:15 pm 3/4- Vic calls Nicole his little sister. (Can ya'll chill now? haha)
Corey isn't feeling well today. :( Come on Midnight!!
4:54 pm 3/4- Going to chill in Tokyo

5:54 pm 3/4- Feeds return after noms. Nicorey in storage room
5:58 pm 3/4- Adult conversation. Corey-"This is my problem when I'm in a relationship, I don't have adult conversations."
9:10 pm 3/4- Corey up from his nap, gets into their bed.
9:11 pm 3/4- Nic- "We get to cuddle tonight." Corey- "I know, I can't freaking wait." Nic- "It's gonna be so good. Thanks for being my best friend." Corey- "Thanks for being mine." Lots of sweetness. (It's about time Nicole ;))
Back to their cuddly selves.
Corey patiently waits for Nic to get done in DR.
10:41 pm 3/4- Nic finally comes out of DR.
10:46 pm 3/4- Such cuteness.

10:52 pm 3/4- Corey- "Do you like to fight?" Nic- "Once in a while, I'm not gonna lie." Corey- "Me too. Why?" Nic- "To see how much they care. Why do you like to fight?" Corey- "Cuz I like to make up." Oh these two. I love it.
11:02 pm 3/4- Ahh! So cute. Also, EYEBROWS.
11:05 pm 3/4- Nic- "You're a nerd. I like nerds." Corey big smile.
11:37 pm 3/4- Nic- "He's cute when he's losing it." Funny comments from Paul
11:38 pm All- Nic talking about Corey's booty. In front of everyone. Hilarious.


  1. Nicole being sweet attentive nurse to him rubbing his back, what he needs

  2. 454 FINALLY Headed to Tokyo arm in arm. :)

  3. Just have to say that I LOVE that Corey dislikes Nat so much!

  4. Anyone notices you can't go back on the feeds for 8/31 - it reverts to 8/1. Bummed. I never saw the bun scene. Thank goodness for your screeshots!

    1. Go to 8/30 and drag the orange bar to 11:59pm and then let it play out to midnight and it'll come up with 8/31 as the date and then you can drag again to get to your timestamp.

  5. 6pm Adult convo's starts between them finally. Only to be interrupted by Paul and then Vic. But this convo needs to finish. Nic is being biffy I think b/c she does not know if she can trust corey. I think he is hurt. She needs to stop with the passive aggressive.

  6. We called everything right! Did y'all catch the this is how I am in a relationship??

  7. Thoughts on Vic telling Nic to shower?? weird..... was it to piss off Corey?

  8. I think tonight's Tokyo room should include some scenarios by Corey to Nic.

    1. I am going to hedge that feelings have not changed but game is more serious and that's Nic's first goal. But hoping that the convo pix's up tonight. Surprised she went and took and nap and corey did not follow.

  9. A better question tonight is how come we have zero nicorey on feeds

  10. can it just be 12 already so we can have happy corey back and a nice cuddle session!

  11. Bring on the Twin Bead chat/cuddle sessions. We are ready for some nicoco. (after a good meal of course!)

  12. Replies
    1. Nicole: "thanks for being my best friend".
      Corey: "aw thanks for being mine"

    2. Nic: "I'm so glad I have u in this house". Cor: "Likewise. I don't know what I'd do w/out u" Nic: "I am super grateful for u."

  13. 930 literally hear their heartbeats as they cuddle.

  14. Finally! I just caught when he said why are you trekking me this? Then she said something like for both reasons if you want the truth. I missed everything before that. So glad they are easing into talking finally!

  15. I thought before that he bc you feel guilty or something. So what did she tell him exactly about vic?

  16. He was like why are you telling me. Full well Nic was giving disclosure. but he made her own up to it. He was surprised she waited so long but they had not been alone.
    this kind of talk would do them good.
    He used the word relationship today and indicated she was going on "dates" with others. ...hmm Corey :)

  17. I think it's super cute that he's playing the games on the back of the box just like she told him too!

  18. I think it's progress that she owned up to the breakfast thing and he didn't get really mad. Sounds like it's a step in the right direction!

  19. She said Vic came and woke me up this morning to have breakfast. The whispers were something like I wanted to wait for you to wake up. He said why are you telling me this now. She said because this is the first time we have been alone.
    A small pause and he said you are telling me this why? Is it guilty or you want me to know.
    She is like no.
    And then she says something like for both reasons. And then shes says I didn't cook for him and we ate at separate times. All in calm cute like voices.
    And then she says stop acting like you don't care you dont care you dont care.. holding hands.

  20. 3:31 - Nicole didn't feel well for a while when she is telling Corey about it he is asking how he can help she thinks he is being sarcastic, he asks if she needs Advil or a kiss, she says she needs a kiss, then backtracks but he still gives her a small kiss.

    3:45 - they are both falling asleep, Corey turns from his back to his front but before laying down again he kisses her forehead?? So cute!!!

  21. 345 beyond adorbs. That's not game play ; ) That's some cuteness.
