Thursday, September 8, 2016


12:01 am 1/2- Nic asking about Corey getting numbers at the bar. I'm sure she probably feels weird about it but only because it is way out of her comfort zone. Corey is in the business of networking. It's just his reality. (Stepping off my soapbox now.)
3:28 am 1/2- Nic gets up to change, back to sleep and cuddles up to Corey.
1:08 pm 3/4- Being cute

8:07 pm All- COREY WINS HOH!!!!!!!
8:19 pm 1/2- Feeds come back, Nicorey handshake!!!

8:48 pm 1/2- Corey can't stop talking about Nic's legs. haha
9:20 pm All- Nic sits on Corey's lap to give him a hug. Tells him she's proud of him. :)
9:23 pm 1/2- NIc asking if she gets to sleep in the HOH room.
9:43 pm 1/2- Corey calling Nic cute
9:55 pm 1/2- Hanging out in their bed

The way he looks at her....
NiPaul :)

11:09 pm All- Who wants to see Corey's HOH room????
Nic cheeky.... talks about cuddling Corey.
11:43 pm 1/2- Being flirty, boys take the hint and go downstairs.


  1. Replies
    1. Probably just hot, it was from long leggings to shorts. Camera not on them long after but did appear like they were going to sleep.

  2. I am wondering why the feeds were off them for almost 3 1/2 hours. STRANGE,when there only 6 people in the house.

  3. My fav part of the 108 hug is when he looks at them hugging in the mirror. He looks like he is taking it all in.

  4. our couple very chippy today. The 201 - N - I dont like it when you make fun of my laugh C-You should have cuddled me last night. Earlier Nic said they didnt cuddle all night.
    She said she didn't sleep well. Yet the cameras were not on them.

    Is this an act?

    1. When did she say they didn't cuddle last night

    2. It could be an act. They have been acting since the beginning to keep HGS of their back. But with only 6 people left why act any more when Vic, Paul and James know how close they are.

    3. He said you were mad at me for no reason

  5. I used to enjoy watching the F4 together playing games and just talking and stuff.... Now it is almost just too much! If I was Nic, I would win HOH and lock myself in my room for a day just to have some peace and quiet! Haha

  6. these dudes talk to her non stop. Always looking for attention from her. She must want to hide in the bathroom.

    1. I miss when it was C and N only

    2. They have had zero alone time. Especially with no backyard.

    3. That should literally be in her final 2 argument, not going crazy. Paul never shuts up!

  7. Anyone know how/when he started calling her me-cole? Its for me me me, right?

    1. I think he just starts saying it with no explanation, but I take it like that

  8. Yay this is the perfect comp for Corey I'm hoping he wins

  9. What did Nicole scream to Corey that Paul said "stop it nicole, stop it"?
    You could tell they were fighting on the couch. No good before an HOH comp Nicole, not good, and especially not on live TV.

    1. The only thing I heard was her saying she had to pee. I did hear something when she got to the bathroom but I don't assume it was a fight about anything. Then Paul makes the comment about him and Nic being the only ones left on the left side of the board.

    2. I don't think they were arguing, he was talking and smiling at her on the couch. And he asked if she was ok. No worries. He's focused and should be.

    3. She said she had to pee and went to the bathroom. Then Paul was saying stop it Nicole.

    4. I take it back, maybe he was just upset cuz Julie called out Vic for staring at Nicole's butt on live TV

  10. Our team nicorey is BEASTING this comp. Corey in lead Nic in 2nd

  11. Nicole can actually catch up to him

  12. I hope Corey wins. He hasn't had the room yet

  13. I dont think they were fighting... Paul was yelling because Nic went to pee, he was joking. They seemed ok on couches to me. And in voting booth.

  14. Woooo! Corey HoH!! Nicorey safe for another week! They are making it to final 4!

  15. YES! Shoot Vic down in his attempt to get you in trouble with Nicole by including her in the wrap party scenario. LOVE IT!

    8:55pm c3/4

    1. LETS GO! I loved that convo!!!!!
      Legs for days is a winner too.

    2. Wow!! Nice save Corey! Again Corey's talking about alcohol, remember the hot tub scene he said his gf would be drinking with him. "She's gonna be right in the middle of it"

  16. Vic just says "the wrap party is more fun" implying more fun then Nic. Corey someways agrees but says he is going to have fun and "get Nic wasted and watch her have fun". Implies he is not going to forget her that night.....

  17. Hopefully they improed night vision in the HOH room. But at least we won't have the bedframe over his face. LOL

  18. Cor must be listening to the queen. He put the HOH key in his drawer so as not to flaunt it. :)

  19. 927 paul making sexual comments and nic gives Cor a look. I am proud of cor for not jumping into the convo while she was there.

  20. 943 Vic bugging(demanding) nic to do the dinner dishes b/c he made dinner (boilded pasta and jar sauce)
    Nic said I cut up the chicken

    Vic giving her a hard time. She says fine I"ll do the dishes. COrey says I'll help.

    Cor with the power going to stick up for his girl a bit :)

  21. they are so freakin cute. I thought she was going to kiss him on the lips when they were sitting in bed.

  22. It's cute that Paul has been taking up for Nic to vic recently.Like a few mins ago when Vic laid down on her legs and Paul told him time get up, that her legs are sore. Lol

    1. Yes! I have a lot of respect for Paul for doing that

    2. I've noticed that too. I think he even hopped in bed next to her to prevent Vic from doing so knowing it probably annoys her. I think it's at least partially strategy on Paul's part to make sure he's in a better spot with Nicole and Corey if it comes down to him and Vic. Ugh, I hope Vic goes home so badly.

    3. I 100% think he laid next to her to protect her. I really think they have a close friendship. i honestly believe he did it more to protect her and Corey than strategy.

    4. Strategy. Paul's not dumb, he sees Vic pissing them off and Paul is thinking "NOMS TOMORROW!"

    5. Yeah I noticed he dove into bed before Vic could, I agree he is trying to protect her, he sees how bad is getting with vic. He told vic no last night when Vic asked everyone to play strip poker, bit only go down to their bra and panties. Vic then said nic could just go put her bikini on and play cards and Paul again said no, that was stupid or something like that.

    6. paul has been on point with protecting nic this eve. Even about the "do the dishes" again.
      And the leg thing....vic was a jerk.
      Meanwhile, corey came back to get something for DR for sec and saw them.

    7. Yeah, never fails corey walks in and catches him doing that crazy stuff. He is really ready to vote vic out of the house he said the other day. lol

    8. Paul really likes Nicole, he is very protective over her, i think he sees her like a Little sister.
      To bad that the F4 which i really like is going to blow up tomorrow.
      But it is the best move that Nicorey can do, to put them on the block.
