Saturday, September 3, 2016


First and foremost this is a Nicorey FAN site. It's supposed to be a fun place where you guys can come to see when fun things happen. We're all about POSITIVITY here. I understand wanting to discuss things but the negativity is not necessary. Play nice and I won't have to delete comments. Thanks guys. Love you all for checking out the blog.

1:54 am 1/2- Zzzing!
2:34 am 3/4- Snuggle time in Tokyo
Post-cuddle grin at the cam. Haha


3:31 am 3/4- Corey gives Nicole a kiss to make her feel better.
3:33 am 3/4- Corey grabs Nicole's hand, then talks about their night. "Good food, some....friendship.... hung out with my friends, had some alcohol, good little cuddle sesh, late night munchies."
10:25 am 3/4- Cuteness!
10:35 am 1/2- After comments about how it doesn't matter the circumstances, you still want to sleep next to the person you like, Corey says he sleeps in a twin bed in the hottest room in the house next to someone who takes up all the room. haha.
11:16 am 3/4- Corey asking questions. (Sounds like he's digging for info)
2:18 pm 1/2- Corey being cheeky, asks Nic for a dance/lingerie for his birthday. haha
3:36 pm 1/2- Nic comes back from DR, climbs into bed. Corey- "There she is." Snuggling
9:09 pm All- Feeds come back, COREY WINS VETO!!! He also won a trip to Atlanta.

9:14 pm 1/2- Final Four celebration!

9:17 pm 1/2- So cute how he reaches for her.

9:22 pm 1/2- Nic- "You did good." Corey- "Thanks hottie."

9:23 pm 1/2- Corey whispers "Hawaii, Atlanta" super cute.


  1. On Thursday at 11:07 p.m. Corey signed to Nicole "I'm in love with a girl". Is he talking about Nicole? Does anyone think he really does love Nicole?

    1. He didn't sign. He sang a line from a song unconsciously. He was in a chat session with Nic and Paul.

    2. So tell me your thoughts about Corey, do u think he loves Nicole and just afraid to tell her?

  2. Anyone know what Corey is talking abt w what Natalie said him an hour before a date?

    1. On the first week when Natalie went on a date with Victor...she told Corey she wished it was him.

  3. It was something he said in the kitchen to Nic this morning on live feed, talking about something she said to him earlier in the season

  4. Replies
    1. Yup early days of game when nat was latching. Tried for vic, and tried for corey until james took the bait. While on a "date" with vic, corey was the "waiter". Nat told corey I would rather be on this date with you. Corey always says he had zero interest. But nat always tries to make it seem as though corey liked her.

    2. Thanks I've been lost anytime they were talking about early on w nay/Vic/cor

  5. Love all of Corey's questions today. It's a game they are playing. Asking questions back and forth. A lot seem to be around gifts again. I think he is storing

  6. Thanks for all the pics and information!!!!

  7. 336 Corey sleeping. Nic in DR a long time. She comes back to crawl into bed. He wakes with a sleepy smile "There she is" an grabs her leg and then hand as she big spoons him.

    Afternoon naps from lack of sleep, mind games for days playing BB, and boredom. I'm always shocked when people wonder why they nap. They need the escape.
    Veto sounds like it is a big production as you could hear them working in the backyard all day. Morph? Comics? Something new?

  8. im guessing comics althought thats going to suck cause its a time one so can take up to 6 hrs

    1. who do you think will be best at comics? S ometimes hard to tell with all the throwing this year.

    2. i feel like vic hes good physically wise and pretty good at memory and probably nicole she did really good last time she played i dont see natalie or james doing welll

    3. Nic came in 2nd on her season.

  9. Nicole almost won it her season, she lost by 30 seconds, she has a good technique. She gave it to Corey but not the others.

    1. Oh that's right. They talked about the strategy s few weeks ago.

  10. Nic has an edge on that comp. I'm really hoping Nic or Cor gets the win!

  11. I'm hoping for nic or Corey so no funny biz.

  12. The 327 Corey grin is the best. So funny.

  13. What kind of info was Cory trying to get from Nicole?

    1. They were just asking each other questions to pass the time. Corey's were cute asking her questions like "If I gave you money to go to the mall and you could buy one thing -what would you buy" She says an outfit...he's like thing. Laughter...cuteness. She picks a romper or a cute top. He picks shoes or a jacket.
      They also talk about things they would bring to a white elephant swap for Christmas.

  14. 1020a - Super Cutie, "Speechless", literally so cute. "How did this even happen" "You are just so cute" - Corey brings blush to Nic's cheeks by telling her she is such a cutie.

  15. Couple things to be noted from today that I saw. Around 10:30ish am in hoh room talking to V&P abt Natalie throwing James utb. They ref to nat comment abt James living in Texas her in jersey-the group agreed that if they liked eo enough it doesn't matter. Corey agreed saying no (meaning doesn't matter). Remembering back to nat paullie arg they all talked abt the showmances living in very diff parts of the country, Corey was there but Nic wasn't.
    Then talking abt it being cold in the London room bc they don't sleep in the same bed. Nic said something abt if you like someone enough that you would sleep with them. Corey makes a really big deal abt that saying, I sleep in a twin size bed in the hottest room in the house with her taking up half the bed. Basically saying he wouldn't have it any other way. It was really cute.

  16. 917 HOh Room - Sweetest hug and neck kiss that corey and nic have after they have an eye lock after his win.

  17. 928 she almost kisses him on the lips in the kitchen

  18. ooo nicole being sassy to victor lol
    happy for corey! he always gets happy when he wins

  19. Vic was a pain in her bum while they were in the kitchen around the almost kiss time. I thought she was going to sock him.

    1. Glad she's had enough!! Maybe he'll calm it down a little bit.

  20. I love it! I hope he tells her he's talking her to Atlanta

    1. Seems like he did when they were in the bathroom around 922. He whispers into her ear -hawaii atlanta

  21. 1047 Corey keeps humming/singing a song "Be my Girl. He also mentions to Nic in a convo about who would have been going up had they not won the veto. - He said I woudld have went up because Vic hits on you allll the time. (Vic has been coming in HOT on nic today)

    1. I think Corey has become more aware of Vics flirting the last day or two!

    2. Coreys secure w it tho. He knows Nicole's not into it.
