Tuesday, August 30, 2016


12:26 am 3/4- Not Nicorey related but worth the timestamp because F4 is freaking hilarious.
12:48 am 3/4- Snuggling
1:44 am 3/4- Corey handsy. LOL OooOOooh


1:45 am 3/4- Talking about Corey's teeth but look how cute....
1:56 am 3/4- Catheter conversation

I can't with Paul's noises.
2:23 am 3/4- Nicole- "You're such a cute little turd." Victor- "That's my cue."
Remember when we were so excited for them to have the HOH room? Bring back Tokyo. haha
12:25 pm 3/4- Nicole snapping pics of Corey, talking about how he's a model. "I'd mancrush this."
12:34 pm 3/4- "I just want all my pictures to be of Corey."
12:39 pm 1/2- Photo sesh together

12:42 pm 3/4- Natalie's wedding comment. :)
12:46 pm 3/4- Hand shake :) I LOVE THE HAND SHAKE!!

12:47 pm 3/4- Nic loves the booty.
12:56 pm 3/4- Corey- "Would you date me if I had kids? If I was divorced and had kids?"
1:02 pm 3/4- Victorey show.
1:04 pm 3/4- Vic- "Describe Nicole" Corey- "Angel. Sweet, caring, selfless, very strong willed, big heart. She's kinda funny I guess. She's entertaining to look at and watch. I could watch that girl all day."
1:18 pm 3/4- "Hi...." haha. love when Corey sees her.
1:19 pm 3/4- Nic says one of her questions was "What do you think you and Corey will be outside of the house?" Corey- "What'd you say???" And then tries to pry it out of her.

2:12 pm 3/4- Vic making fun of Nicole. (Jealous much Vic? hahaha)
3:01 pm 1/2- Victor's BB Nature Watch
3:10 pm 1/2- Victor's BB Nature Watch Part 2
6:38 pm 1/2- Snuggling
7:24 pm 3/4- Love how excited they all get to see Nicole.
7:29 pm 3/4- Cuteness in the kitchen with Vic and Paul

"You guys are cute." "So are you guys"

8:43 pm 1/2- Clumsy Nic haha

9:29 pm 1/2- Chatting
9:32 pm 1/2- Hammock time
9:47 pm 1/2- Corey rubbing off on Nic, she's a cute little coach.
10:59 pm 1/2- Nic doesn't feel well, Corey rubbing her back.


  1. great snapshots at 1am. Too freaking cute. Did you notice that one of Corey's fav new activities is watching Nic get up on the bed to feet the fish. :)

  2. Did you see the convo yesterday of them talking about her bun? cute.

  3. I'll look for the timestamp. One was when she was heading into the DR. And another was when they were upstairs in HOH. Basically that he loves her bun - "its your signature". "its cute".

  4. 223 Victor gets the cue. Paul not so quick on it.... LOL

  5. I honestly do not agree. I feel that they connect on a personal level and on a physical level. They both came in never expecting to meet each other.

  6. What was Natalies wedding comment?

    1. She asked if they get married will they invite her. It was very awkward. Corey was annoyed. But it was fine.

    2. Disagree. Corey was super cute about it. He went... Yes!

    3. Corey didn't seem annoyed at all at Natalie's comment

    4. Corey seemed flattered and took it in stride.

    5. can someone give me a timestamp for natalies comment

  7. Please let me know what she said in the DR about her and Corey after the show.

  8. I ove Nicole man crushing over Corey. She's never went to this extreme. Almost drooling lol

  9. 212p vic giving Nic a hard time about always gushing on Corey. It's hilarious. Must watch. The three of them laughing like crazy.

  10. 305 BB Nature Watch by Vic talking to the feeders describes Corey as sitting in silence most likley wondering where his #1, Nicole, is. Called her his rock. Interesting take...one most of us agree with.

    1. Omg cracking me up. Even he sees it.

    2. Vic is on point today. I would pay to watch him in stand up.

  11. I love this blog I also need more updates

  12. they are so dang cute in the kitchen for the last several minutes. Kisses on the forehead, hugs, cuteness. Adorbs.

    1. I don't even care - one bit - what he said the other night. He was venting. There is no way that kid does not dig her 100%

    2. I agree 100%, after all of these moments they've had in the house, there is no way Corey's not falling in love. He cant even keeps his hands off of her

    3. I agree 100%.

  13. The hi at 1:18 was so cute, it was just diff

  14. 843 she accidentally falls on him. cuteness

  15. how come you are not posting anymore :(

  16. 11 pm Nic is sick and Corey's taking care of her.
