Monday, August 15, 2016


12:18 am- Nicole laughing at Corey while he showers with his props.
12:30 am- Flirting in bathroom
1:52 am 3/4- Hawaii
1:54 am 3/4- Walking, arms around waist, "I know what I want"
1:55 am 3/4- Timestamping because Paulie literally gets irritated that Nicole is in Corey's bed. Boy needs his own cuddle buddy.
1:59 am 3/4- Holding hands
2:42 am 3/4- Corey staring at the ceiling thinking, "Is this really what my life has come to?" ;) (This may be conjecture)

9:14 am 3/4- Nic snuggles Corey for a couple minutes.
11:45 am 3/4- Joking in kitchen
11:49 am 3/4- Cute faces, Corey spazzing with his avocado.
12:04 pm 3/4- Being funny

Nic is all of us, listening to Corey.
1:00 pm 3/4- Nicole eyebrows! lol
1:11 pm 3/4- Making fun of Nic's accent
Nic's face when Paulie isn't looking.
3:30 pm 1/2- Timestamping because of the amazing awkwardness.
4:04 pm 1/2- Vic comes out of DR and says, "Hey everyone, I've got an announcement from Big Brother." Feeds go down.... Ahh!!
4:11 pm All- Feeds come back, the HG's are saying they're getting a concert with Ziggy Marley but they also mention getting asked questions.
8:02 pm All- Feeds finally back, Corey checks in with Nicole. Nicole says, Corey maybe we can finally get some cuddle time in.
8:19 pm 3/4- Feeds come back again, Nicorey in Tokyo.
8:33 pm 3/4- Cuddling
8:39 pm 3/4- Nic apologizes for not kissing him when she was put on the spot.
8:42 pm 3/4- Corey quizzing Nicole
9:21 pm 1/2- Snuggling "You literally know everything about me"
9:32 pm 3/4- Holding hands
9:45 pm 1/2- Cute convo about when the season started
9:57 pm 1/2- Corey called to DR, Nic says "Noooooo" Nicole looks at Corey's picture.
10:19 pm 3/4- Snuggling
11:00 pm 1/2- "I miss your butt" "If you had that bun in your memory wall pic, they'd have to have 2 spaces for it."
11:17 pm 1/2- Nic back from DR
Had to screengrab this because THAT is a dopey love look.

And since they gave us one of her.....
11:24 pm 1/2- Kiss on the cheek, Nic calls Corey hot.
11:28 pm 1/2- You're straight sugar, Corey.


  1. Paulie has really been coming between Nicorey this week. He's always there and always veers the conversation back to him. He's really bringing their mood down.

  2. I hope Paulie is still the target this week. He is doing what he said he wouldn't do. Campaign against Corey! He is not even thinking right anymore. Remember to vote for Corey!!!!!!

  3. I love their unitards. Makes the screen caps even better.

  4. So adorable. Honestly, just found this blog and I'm obsessed lol

  5. 9:14am cam 3/4 - Nic gets into bed to quickly cuddle Corey

  6. Corey kind of looks like baby new year with the hat and his ears sticking out.

  7. Is it just me, but this waiting is driving me crazy!#!!

  8. i wonder what happen with the whole kiss thing being put on the spot

  9. 11:00pm - misses her butt
    11:17 - alone in the kitchen
    11:22 - signs cute, sweet, beautiful

  10. 11:24 Nicole kissed his head and he said it makes him feel better
