Thursday, August 25, 2016


12:10 am 1/2- Steamy kiss
12:14 am 1/2- Super cuteness. Nic says she just wants to hang out with Corey and just in case he goes home, she wants to tell him how cool he is and how cute he is.

12:37 am 1/2- Mystery noise
12:41 am 1/2- Corey fixes Nicole's headache
12:58 am 1/2- Big spoon, little spoon
1:01 am 1/2- "Nicole, you're so cool, you're literally the best." "I think you're cool too. You're the best." Corey- "I mean it."
1:09 am 1/2- "I want to hang out with you so bad." "I was right next to you but I was trying to figure out how to hang out with you more." "I'll massage you until you feel all nice and cuddly."
Holding hands...1:19 am 1/2- "What's up cutie?"
1:22 am 1/2- Nic talking about if she met him outside the house, she was just be another girl, Corey- "No, I can tell. First day, I meet all the girls, i'm like no. Then Nicole comes in. I freaking love Nicole. I can spot em." (The good ones)
Sorry Cor, your face is a headboard.

I refuse to timestamp the goings on this afternoon before feeds went down. There was a big blow up. They almost talked James into flipping. But he didn't. Yay for us Nicorey fans!!

Screenshots of when the Jurors came back in....

Dying at how cute Corey is during the HOH comp. He isn't talking but he's coaching her along the whole way! Giving her facial expressions and showing her where to turn.
8:56 pm All- "Good job Nicole, so proud of you."
8:57 pm All- "Just wanna hug ya."
8:58 pm All- "Guess what? I'm not going out 7th this time!!"

9:26 pm 1/2- "I knew you were gonna win. You did so good."
9:32 pm 3/4- Corey says "You get your HOH room, I get an invite to stay hopefully...." And them he makes these faces.....

10:21 pm 1/2- Snuggling. Nic says she's gonna need a massage.. Corey says "I'm gonna hook you up..."
10:30 pm 1/2- "You don't have any ugly pics, Nicole. Let's get real."
10:46 pm 3/4- Talking about Clash of Clans, Nic asks if it's nerdy, Corey says yes and Nic goes "Aww... I like you even more now." haha

11:32 pm 3/4- Talking about how Tiffany said Nic was too cute for Corey. Stupid argument ensues. Corey.... misses an opportunity to be nice. Nicole super nice. As always. Paul keeps interrupting with pointless stories.
11:44 pm 3/4- Paul at this moment is me. Just saying. I love Nicorey but damn.


  1. I thought they were all voting out Victor.

  2. Everything has changed in the last hour or so. P & V have James, nat and Meech convinced that Paul is working with nicorey and the girls are doing what they do best to sway James.

    1. When feeds cut, James was seriously considering voting out C.

    2. Feeds are off until after live show. We won't know until votes come out. :(

    3. Thankyou, I live in Australia so trying to work out the times just leads to disorientation station haha... roughly how long to you think in hours till we have a verdict?

    4. what a dang shame... now fingers crossed if he does go out he battles back. It would be epic. But I would rather he just stay and vic goes. 1000%

    5. Corey is safe and my blood pressure is slowly returning to normal!

  3. I'm so mad. It's not looking good. N & C are doing all they can do. Hopefully he can win the jury buyback.

  4. Does anybody know if Corey really told Nicole that he loved her?

    1. He did not. They were doing their scenario convos and and in it Corey indicates he would tell someone he loved them. he did not specifically tell Nic he loved her.

  5. Guys I'm scared I don't want Corey to go home and I'm hoping he doesn't

  6. Replies
    1. I went screaming around my house when James said victor. I have a problem😂

    2. Don't feel bad. I did too. And scared my dogs to death...

    3. My dogs freaked. I told my husband it is just like when he screams for football. LOL

  7. I felt a little better since he'd have a chance but this is so much better

  8. Every week I just get so happy they survived a other week obvious because I want them to win but I also happy they get one more week together and now at most 3 weeks apart

  9. Nicole wore Jaes down on the wall comp. Convinced him to drop so she could have a leter (aka make her and corey safe for week) Boy do they deserve a week free of have-nots and block!

  10. Corey was giving her some coaching from the sidelines of hand techniques to hold on. It was awesome. He hugged her good when and handed her a towel. She was freezing from the spraying water.

  11. Can you post more pictures. I love them haha. Thank you for everything!!!

  12. awww nicoco already put the snaps up. Thank you!

  13. Corey asks Nic if he has an invite to the HOH room. : )

  14. They're taking so long for the HOH room

  15. I'm curious of the thoughts in the sweatshirt in the bed. Did N put C's sweatshirt in the bed under the covers in case he went home?

    1. Yes, that seems to be the case. It was folded under her pillow when they got into the TBR while awaiting the HOH room. 1020ish

  16. I'm so very happy she won HoH, but for some reason the night vision camera in HoH is so much darker than in Tokyo you can barely see them
