Wednesday, August 17, 2016


12:20 am 3/4- Corey asks if showmances from the show get married.
12:52 am 1/2- Chatting in Tokyo
12:53 am 1/2- Nic-"He says I take his spot, this has been my spot for 60 days." Corey- "This is our spot."
12:56 am 1/2- Nic says she needs Corey in the house.
1:04 am 1/2- Snuggling
1:08 am 1/2- Corey making fun of Nicole saying, "I just think it's funny because nobody knows we've actually kissed."
1:15 am 1/2- Corey says he has zero shame and would get naked and make out with her and not care.
1:19:57 am 1/2- Corey sneaks a kiss in while she's talking.... Awwwww
9:14 am 1/2- Nic in bed with Corey. He was sad she didn't say goodnight.
1:34 pm 3/4- Corey wakes Nic up in HN.
6:03 pm 3/4- Nicole asks Corey if he's trying to look sexy. Corey asks if she's trying to tell him he's sexy. LOTS OF EYEBROWS

6:22 pm 3/4- Nic comes out of the DR after goodbye messages and says it's the first time one has made her cry. Corey goes out to the kitchen to console her. :(
6:27 pm 3/4- Nic's cute temper tantrum.
9:04 pm 1/2- Hanging out in Tokyo
10:28 pm All- Paul's Roast Puppet Show
10:37 pm All- Paul's roast of Michelle. Best part of the puppet show.

My internet has been super sketch today so I'm updating as fast as I can but it's making my feeds really slow when I try to skip through. Bear with me guys.


  1. They are sooooooo darn cute!!! I know he loves her. Can u imagine how they would be in the jury house together;)

  2. Their conversation between 1:08 and 1:20 was major progression. nicole suggesting she's frustrated that he seems to be in denial and embarrassed about them as a couple and the kissing and so forth. And him saying no way. And then kissing her mid sentence. While the cameras are on and pointed at them. Corey is shipping Nicorey, Nicole!!! Pay attention and don't freak out!!!

  3. I wish there was video clips of some of the timestamps

  4. Corey was thinking he wanted her to stop talking and kiss her. Nic wanted to make that her 3rd guess but didn't want to be wrong, so she wouldn't say it. But then that's why he kissed her was to tell her nonverbally she was right. Not sure you got it though.

  5. Paulie's still the target for Thursday right???

  6. Replies
    1. Cuddling and talking for a few minutes and then they went and talked to other HGs in the safari room

    2. Nicole just kept on talking. It was cute and awkward

    3. Do you think she is waiting for him to tell her he has feelings for her.

    4. yes. They joke around a lot which is all good, but I think they need a serious talk about it in order for her to feel confident in what they have. I think she's still not convinced that he sees her as more than a friend he cuddles and kisses with.

  7. Totally! She will not do anything until he talks first.. Will he?? That is the HUGE question with such little time left.

  8. 12:53 last night on Camera 1 melted my heart. I have been feeling like the past couple of days especially his feelings are really growing, but that specific moment sealed the deal for me.

  9. I wonder if production is irritated they can't get Nic to kiss Corey on camera and that is why they call her out so much on everything - especially being in bed as a HN. I don't see Corey saying anything while in the house.

  10. They told her in dr that they weren't using the fact that she didn't miss him at the carnival. Unfortunately, it's probably because they aren't using any of their showmance stuff. I hate their edits.

  11. Hope that's not the end of the updates. I found out Thursday night big brother is going to be delayed in some spots. Because of football. Check your times Nicorey fans!

  12. why isnt there any new videos of nicorey on you tube?. ):

  13. Anyone know what day they started their relationship cuddles? I know it was a night that he told her to come to his bed after her HOH. Timestamp?

    1. The ghost thing when all the girls went into Tokyo was July 9th but they cuddled way before that too

  14. check it has all the old timestamps of their showmance

  15. Must be slow in the big brother house today. Don't forget to vote!#!!

  16. I hope NiCoco is okay!!!! I miss the updates.

  17. 7:00 am ish 8/19 cuddle + kiss + talking
