Wednesday, August 10, 2016


12:38 am 3/4- Chatting with James in Tokyo
1:00 am 3/4- Chatting with Paulie in Tokyo
2:08 am 3/4- Talking game in kitchen
2:18 am 3/4- Being snuggly
2:56 am 3/4- Talking to James in Tokyo
3:44 am 3/4- Nicorey alone, talking about kissing/foreplay. Then steamy snuggling.
1:46 pm 1/2- Morning (afternoon) snuggles
2:06 pm 1/2- Corey imitating Nicole again.
2:39 pm 1/2- Talking about butt picture
3:38 pm All- Corey imitating Nicole yet again. Sorry I keep timestamping it because it makes me laugh.
5:30 pm 1/2- Flirting in kitchen

5:39 pm 1/2- I tell you exactly how I feel about you.
6:25 pm 3/4- Tryin to cuddle? Chatting in Tokyo
6:34 pm 3/4- "Okay Franzel"
7:55 pm 2- Nic puts mascara on Corey
9:54 pm 1/2- Lots of drama, too much to keep up with. But Paulie tells Corey that Paul want's Nicole out and you can see Corey's mannerisms completely change. He immediately asks why and defends her.
11:08 pm 3/4- Corey filling Nic in on all the game talk.
11:25 pm 3/4- Being cute. Nicole wants to storm into the room and talk to James and Corey has to keep her calm and says "Just come cuddle me."..... It's really awesome how good Corey has been at game play today.
11:28 pm 3/4- "I need some love, I don't get a reward?" Haha!! So cute.
11:57 pm 3/4- Being cute. "I'll cuddle the shit out of you."


  1. Man this is not a busy day for us Nicorey shippers

  2. OMG! I thought I was the only one I keep checking like every hour

    1. But the sad part is I check like ever minute because I can't get enough of Nicorey

  3. 5:39 pm- Cuteness w them in the kitchen

  4. 5:30 in kitchen Corey can't stop hugging her

    5:34 picks her up and hugs her

    5:39 cute cute cute " I always tell you how I feel."

    5:41 playful
    picks her up over his head

    they are adorable

    1. Omg thank you I can go and watch some really cute Nicorey moments

    2. Thank youuu.. i really need somebody to post dying to see them hahaha

  5. Sorry guys, working on updating. I've had to avoid feeds today because of all the drama with everyone. It stresses me out. But now that I can kinda skip through some of it I'll get it updated.

  6. Is it just me or is Corey having a hard time keeping his hands off Nicole.

    1. Doesn't he always,then if Nicole touches him he is like that's sexual NIIIIICCCCOOOLLLEEE

  7. I've been off Twitter but people are losing faith in Nicorey. Should I be worried?

    1. Time will tell (I swear I'm not one of those kinds of people)

  8. I think Corey is invested in Nicole, he just doesn't want the 2 of them to be targets. The way Natalie is running her mouth I don't think Nicole or Corey have anything to worry about.

    1. Yeah I get it like I feel like the house is split into two sides Paulie and Natalie then everyone has to choose sides and I feel like when one side gets HOH/the number that they will start chopping people
