Wednesday, August 24, 2016


12:04 am 3/4- Nic comes out of DR and just climbs right on top of Corey. Right to the point this one is. haha
12:13 am 3/4- Corey out of breath. Just sayin.
1:36 am 3/4- Corey asks if Nic thinks they have good chemistry. They both agree they click well and they have a lot in common.
1:39 am 3/4- Nic talking about the Pistons. PRETTY SURE this is the moment Corey fell in love with Nic. Every guys likes a girl who knows her sports.
1:56 am 3/4- Trying to keep up with this convo. But apparently Nic goes out with Paul and Corey shows up. BAHAHA
1:59 am 3/4- I get that these are theoretical situations but the thoughts of Nicole and Paul making out are cracking me up.
2:04 am 3/4- I'm terrible at cliff notes with this conversation. But Corey basically asks her what she would do if they went out on a date, had a good time, the next day, he doesn't ask her to hang out, but they run into each other at a bar, he says hi, but then says that him and his friends are leaving. The next morning, Corey texts her and says "Whats up?" Nicole says... "I would ignore that text for atleast 8 hours." Corey bursts out laughing with the cutest laugh we have heard all season. Seriously. If I knew how to sound bite it and share it here, I would.
2:11 am 3/4- "Nicole, you're the cutest."
2:15 am 3/4- Nicole f-word slip
2:16 am 3/4- Conversation goes into full on role playing. Marci has to remind herself they are talking in scenarios. lol
2:40 am 3/4- Wrapping up the scenario game. Corey says he's impressed with how Nicole reacted. Says, "You're a good girl, Nicole."
Confession time! I was not loving the scenarios convo. Apparently my emotions have synced with Nicole's because I kept getting frustrated at the same times she was. And the whole thing was making Corey look like a douche and Nicole look like a brat. BUT at the end of 2:45/2:46 the conversation takes a complete left turn. Corey says he's surprised that she lets someone go so quickly and that if  he likes someone, he fights to keep them. Nicole comes back and says that she will fight tooth and nail for someone that she is actually in a relationship, but if it's just a guy that's messing around when they first start talking, she's not going to put up with the games because it's just a precursor for what's to come. Corey says, "Oh okay that makes sense." Nic says "I'm a fighter."
2:46 am 3/4- Corey- "You are fiery right now, I love it. Oh, Nicole, you're one of a kind. That's my favorite part about you." Nic- "What, that I'm fiery?" Corey- "Yeah that and how unique you are about things."
2:55 am 3/4- Holy smack. More scenarios. Corey says they have been dating for 1-2 years, but they're having rocky times. "We've been doing this long distance thing, and I'm not moving from Dallas, you coming here once every 2 months isn't cutting it for me." Nic..."I wouldn't mind moving but I would want to make sure it was legit, and that I'm not just doing it for fun." Ahh! Too much to summarize. Nic says if she hadn't moved by then, maybe it wasn't meant to be. Corey says well I feel like you not wanting to make the move here is you not even giving us a chance. So you just want to break up and leave it at that? Nic says "I don't know what to say." Corey says, "Well if you're okay with losing your dream guy, okay I guess." Nic says, "If you really think that it's going to work and you're willing to put 100% into it, then I will move." Corey goes.. "Yesssssss"
And then I died.
But you all would miss me so I'm back.
End of 3:00 am 3/4- Corey- "Nicole, you're such a cutie. You're such a sweetie. You're sweet." Nic- "I can be feisty" Corey- "That's okay, it's cute. Dude, you're very strongly opinionated on some things. It's good."
3:03 am 3/4- Corey rubbing Nic's face
12:53 pm 3/4- Waking up- still in a good mood. :)
12:56 pm 3/4- How are we going to communicate after the show? Corey-FaceTime. Nic-Handwritten letters.
1:09 pm 3/4- Nic- "I had fun hanging out with you last night." Corey- "You know I had fun with you last night."
1:23 pm 3/4- We get to re-live the scenario convo with Paul. lol
1:27 pm 3/4- "How are those breadstix mother fu**er??" hahahahaah
2:44 pm 1/2- Nic talks to herself- "I want to hang out with Corey, what if it's his last day?"
3:30 pm 3/4- Snuggling
3:45 pm 3/4- Snuggling

3:50 pm 3/4- Nic teasing him about his fake yawn. Corey- "I can't be with someone who knows me that well. Just kidding. I actually want to be with someone who does know me that good."
5:30 pm 1/2- Let's dance
5:52 pm 3/4- Talking about how they can talk about anything and hang out all the time. Nicole says she can tell if Corey isn't listening to her and Corey goes, "That's not true, I hang on to every word you say."
5:53 pm 3/4- Corey asks when they became like this...
They talk about the night after the ghost where they cuddled just because they wanted to, not because Nic was afraid of a ghost. Nic also said day 38 when Corey was helping her with the Frank scenarios.

Cute how he always checks in with her.
6:03 pm 3/4- "You smell good." "Fool's getting turned on."
7:06 pm 3/4- We had some real clickage last night
Just cuz it cracked me up...
7:35 pm 1/2- Fighting about who should sit where to be comfortable.
11:14 pm 3/4- Talking about how they hang out 24/7
11:24 pm 3/4- Nic comes in and lays on Corey and gives him a hug. Corey goes, "Hi, Nicole. What's up sweetheart?"
James hiding in bed because he thought he heard someone coming.
11:37 pm 3/4- Nic says "crushing it" Corey says- "I love it when girls pick up guy lingo."

11:47 pm 1/2- Piggy back ride
11:48 pm 1/2- Smooching noises under covers
11:49 pm 1/2- Nic tells Corey that if for some reason he is gone tomorrow, she's really going to miss him and Corey says he will miss her too.
11:51 pm 1/2- Corey talking about how he'd go home if he was against Nat, Meech, James or Nicole next week. Nicole- "You don't know that, Dimples."
11:52 pm 1/2- Nic- "Do I hang around you too much?" Corey- "No, just the right amount. Every second of every day."


  1. so much cute nicorey today! 602p adorbs prior to that in the BA too cute when they talk about how they ended up sleeping in same bed.

  2. Them two dancing in the kitchen also made my heart melt

  3. Yes so much cuteness, him teaching her how to dance, twirling her around <3

  4. OMG, that makes my heart melt. He really wants her to move to dallas!!!!!

  5. Omg please someone post them dancing!!

  6. Corey def had a mission with these scenarios. It was written between the lines.

  7. 146a on 8/24 Cam 2 holding hands (both) while sleeping.

  8. Keep getting visitors to Tokyo and it's painfully obvious they want them to leave and the others don't get it lol

  9. How can you not love them both :)))
