12:00 am, Cam 1- Cuddles
12:34 am, Cam ½ - “Nicorey” given a shoutout by Paulie. “It’s definitely Nicorey, I’m almost positive it’s Nicorey.”
12:37 am, Cam ½ - Corey enters and Paulie Tells him about the showmance names. He tackls Nic and Nic denies that they were creating showmance names. Corey: “You’re trying to be in a showmance with me?” Flirting and fake fighting.
12:41 am, Cam ½ - Nic tries to give Corey a charlie horse. Fails
12:44 am, Cam ½ - “Nicorey” getting another shoutout. Corey denies that they have a showmance nickname.
12:47 am, Cam ½ - Nic picking at Corey’s face again. Nic says she needs to get at it with a needle and asks where those pins are. Corey says “on the night stand downstairs” and gives her The Eyebrows (patent pending) Flirting continues, Astrology talk
1:20 am Cam 3-Lots of fish, but Z trying to narrow down showmance name. “Nicoco?” Lots of laughing and smiling between them
1:23 am Cam 3-Nicole tickled Corey, play fighting
1:25 am Cam 3-Play fighting, he leans in pretending to try to kiss her, cuddling
1:37 am Cam 3/4- Corey kisses Nic’s cheek (?)
1:53 am Cam ½- Nicole talks about being afraid they’re being portrayed like Danielle and Shane from BB14
2:25 am Cam ½- Talking about Paulie and Cody
2:28 am Cam ½- Height preferences and ranges, Cuddling
3:19 am Cam ½- Corey tells Nic she has a nice butt
3:29 am Cam ½- Cuddling, “heavy cuddling” ya’ll can speculate.
3:36 am Cam ½- They adjust positions and he says he’s going to crush her little body.
3:41 am Cam ½- Nicole is saying “hey” and Corey asks why. Nicole says she has to stop him. She keeps saying hey.
3:43 am Cam ½- “Tell me what you’re thinking” “I’m scared” Corey “About what?” Cuddling, hugging his neck. “Stop doing that” “I’m just trying to chill” Corey “Okay whatever fine” Corey puts the blanket over their heads. “I didn’t do anything, stop” and she moves the blanket back. Nic: “I’m just clinging to you. I’m not moving.” Corey “Okay, whatever” Nic: “Staaahhp...you’re being a turd, stop, gosh,” etc etc.
3:46 am Cam ½- Looking at each other, he kisses her forehead and she snuggles in. Nic: “You know how I am” “How are you” “Scared” Corey: “About what?” Nic: “Awkward stuff”... Snuggling, he leans in but she turns her head. Nic: “I’m the worst” Corey: “Why do you say that?” Nic: “Because” Corey: “Tell me why, I have no idea” He looks at her and she says “Gosh” and hides her face. Corey: “Are you gonna whisper it to me or what?” She whispers to him but we can’t hear her. He says “Why...why not?....Sigh... You’re not fun... You do everything well.”
3:49 am Cam ½- Corey: “Why did you keep saying hey?” Nic: “because, I didn’t know what else to do........ I think you’re just crazy because you’ve been locked in a house for 34 days.” Corey: “Oh, okay, it’s all me. It’s all my fault, huh” Nic: “No, definitely not” Corey: “I feel stupid now” “Seriously”.... Nic: “You’re not alone.... why are you mad?” “I’m answering your questions and you’re not answering any of mine.” Corey wants her to tell him what she’s thinking. “What are you thinking” “Tell me” Yada yada. Frank comes in.
3:55 am Cam ½- Nic: “You make me nervous sometimes, in a good way.” Corey: “Nervous about what? I make you nervous?” Nic: “Is that bad?” Corey: “Kind of, it doesn’t sound like a positve word. What are you nervous about?” Conversation goes in circles.. Nic says that he has always made her nervous, Corey says he’s over the convo.
3:59 am Cam ½- Corey: “You kill me” Nic: “Why?” Corey: “You know why” Nic: “No I don’t.” Corey: “Yeah you do.” He kisses her nose or forehead. Cuddling
4:01 am Cam ½- Fridgette comes in, but cuddling continues.
4:12 am Cam ½- Whispering
4:17 am Cam ½- Poor guy is really working on getting a kiss but she’s playing hard to get. She eventually turns over and he says something about giving him the cold shoulder.
4:23 am Cam ½- Corey says “Fine I’ll say it, I wanna kiss you.” She whispers something about being bad at it, he says “You’re a liar.” More whispering, “I just don’t .... kiss boys” Corey says “Are you serious?” More whispering
4:26 am Cam ½- It looks like he’s biting her ear, she says “I’m gonna kick your butt.” He’s whispering in her ear and she keeps saying “I’m sorry”
4:28 am Cam ½- Corey says “Pissed” and Nicole says “For real?” He says no. We all know he’s lying. ;)
4:33 am Cam ½- Cuddling, massaging. Eventually fall asleep.
11:15 am Cam 2- Paulie pranks Nicole with shaving cream in the face. She thinks Corey was in on it so she puts some on his face. He flips her off with his wedding finger as he leaves to go wipe it off.
1:27 pm Cam 3/4- Cuddling, Nic gets up to take picture with HOH camera, James comments on Corey checking her out.
2:04 pm Cam 3/4- GT with Z
2:33 pm Cam 3/4- Nic telling Z about Corey trying so hard to kiss her. Nic: “He’s too cute!” Z tells her not to fight it.
2:41 pm Cam 3/4- Nic tells Z that Corey said “I want to kiss you” and she was like “I’m nervous”
5:35 pm Cam 3/4- More GT with Z in the HOH room.
5:58 pm Cam 1- Snuggling, Nic talks about when she went to check on him and Frank saying “he finally gets to sleep without your big bun in his face.”
6:06 pm Cam ½- Nic: “I hate that you share a room with them.” (Fridgette) Corey: “You mean we?”
6:34 pm Cam 1- Corey bites Nic’s ear.
8:49 pm Cam ½- Chit chat and cuddling in Tokyo.
9:09 pm Cam ½- Nicole has a headache but doesn’t want to go get Advil. Corey insists upon getting up and getting it for her. She talks to herself and says “He is like the nicest boy ever.”
9:18 pm Cam ½- Frank mentions the camera above him has loved them the past two nights. He then says he loves them and they make him miss his gf back home.
9:29 pm Cam 3- Corey talking about his ex. Nicole becomes obviously upset and afraid the ex is going to beat her up when they get out of the house.
9:51 pm Cam 3/4- Corey goes to check on Nicole to see if she’s mad. She says she’s not. Obviously is. Corey asks her to be honest. She says it’s a little weird and she doesn’t want to think about it. Tension. Corey gets in the shower.
10:00 pm Cam 3/4- Nic is talking to Z about the situation. We love Nicole, but she blew everything out of proportion on this. Goes on to say she doesn’t want to sleep in their bed, and wants to avoid Corey.
10:40 pm Cam ½- I think Nicole realizes she was being weird and wants to resolve things. She asks Corey if he wants to go upstairs, he says no. She leaves and then returns, they talk in circles. Cameras leave Tokyo and Nicorey for almost an hour.
11:31 pm Cam 3/4- Nicorey is in bed talking to James. It becomes apparent that they’ve made up and we missed it all. They are being playful about Nicole supposedly trying to kiss Corey.
11:34 pm Cam 3/4- Wrestling, Corey grabs her and says, “Let’s make out.” Nic says “So you’re not mad at me anymore?” He says “No, I swear.” More playing around.
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